Observers: Deb Parker, Bill Mitchel, Pete & Roberta Lagomarsini
Date: 05/10/2007
Time: 04:21 PM -0400
We walked off of Dixon in Greengate Cottonwoods and enjoyed a few Gray Flycatchers, one Ash-throated Flycatcher singing, and Bullock's Orioles, Yellow, Wilson's, Audubon's and one Townsend's Warblers. A dark morph Red-tailed Hawk flew over and an adult Cooper's Hawk was hunting in there. A few Western Wood-pewees were singing too along with House Wrens. A nice flock of Chipping Sparrows. From there we walked south across Dixon to Wishing Well Bridge area and had more Gray Flycatchers, and Roberta spotted the bright shiney male Blue Grosbeak. We also had Lazuli Buntings, singing Brewer's Sparrows, and Debby heard a Pinyon Jay call as it flew by, which are not usually found on the valley floor. Besides a singing Cassin's Vireo and Warbling Vireo was singing also. Bill had a Blue-gray Gnatcatchers which was being quiet. Cliff Swallows near the Dixon Lane Bridge. Plenty of birds to keep us busy!