Observers: Andy Zdon
Verification: MONO
Remote Name:
Date: 05/15/2007
Time: 11:57 AM -0400
Spectacular bird showed up this morning feeding on the sunflower seeds scattered on the ground (fresh from the Red Horse feed place!!). Incredible looks, went out to the car to get my camera and found I left it at the office so my neighbor came up with his camera gear - unfortunately the bird didn't reshow before I had to get to the office, but he reported that the bird had been seen at other feeders in the neighborhood yesterday so it is hanging around. Other birds this morning included a male Black-headed Grosbeak, female Bullock's Oriole, 3 Cassin's Finches (1 male, 2 female/juv), and numerous Costa's and Black-chinned Hummingbirds. The Black-throated Sparrows continue to populate the northern part of my yard, coming in for water from the drip system.