Observers: Cindy & Les Lieurance
Verification: MONO
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Date: 06/01/2007
Time: 10:49 PM -0400
Below are some observations we made as we rolled around Inyo County today (June 1, 2007.) Our first stop was Pearsonville. We drove along the frontage road and pulled into a little city park, the entrance of which was flanked by a beige water tank on the left that was inscribed with "Pearsonville - Hubcap Capital of the World" and on the right was a giant statue of a blond woman wearing a pink sweater and red skirt. In this little park we found a singing AMERICAN REDSTART and a WILLOW FLYCATCHER, both foraging in the cottonwoods. Next was a stop at the Coso Junction rest area, where a YELLOW WARBLER was frantically working all the cottonwoods, and an AMERICAN GOLDFINCH was on the lawn. Along Highway 395 we turned west onto Sage Flat Road when we saw the brown binoculars sign. Sage Flat Road is 5.2 miles south of Highway 190 off Highway 395. We found a singing CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER in the oak trees overhead at the end of the road near the public corral across from the water trough. At the Dirty Socks Unit of Owens Lake, we drove around on some levees, where we saw hundreds of AMERICAN AVOCETs and CALIFORNIA GULLs plus a few BLACK-NECKED STILTs and one worn BONAPARTE'S GULL. Cindy & Les Lieurance San Francisco CA U.S.A.