Hooded Warbler, Northern Parula, Baltimore Oriole- China Ranch

Observers: Cindy & Les Lieurance
Email: cindy@petrels.com
Verification: MONO
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Date: 06/01/2007
Time: 11:00 PM -0400


Apologies for the belated report. Our internet access has been spotty and generally not very dependable during this trip. At China Ranch on May 29, 2007 at about 3:00 PM, after enjoying our date shakes, we took a very short walk in the 99 degree heat, staying under the cottonwoods as much as possible. The first bird we heard after YELLOW WARBLERs and House Finches was a singing NORTHERN PARULA. After about 10 minutes we saw him, and then we saw a female BALTIMORE ORIOLE. As we were getting into the vehicle to depart, we saw a BANK SWALLOW. On May 30th, we birded China Ranch again, from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM. The NORTHERN PARULA was still singing, but we did not see the Baltimore Oriole. We walked into the wildlife area southwest (?) out of the parking lot, following the brown sign with binoculars on it. It is called something like Amargosa wildlife area. We followed the trail down along the mesquites and across the creek, out into the shadow of the hill. There in the mesquite forest we saw a male HOODED WARBLER. We also heard a (possibly 2) YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT in the same area. Back near the store and then along the trail through the cottonwoods we saw the regulars: SUMMER TANAGERs, BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHERs, HOODED ORIOLEs, YELLOW WARBLERs, BELL'S VIREOs. Cindy & Les Lieurance San Francisco