Observers: Chris McCreedy
Email: cmccreedyatprbodotorg
Verification: MONO
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Date: 07/04/2007
Time: 11:28 PM -0400
Where are the vagrants? This was unusual: I saw a Swainson's Thrush on Walker Creek near its confluence with Rush Creek. Dusky brown back and nape, not as warm-brown as a Hermit Thrush. And chest-mottling was diffuse, not as clear as on a Hermit Thrush (you've got it - I didn't see the back/tail, so I have to use these other traits). It also was fatter than a Hermit Thrush. Any Catharus east of 395 up here is unusual, but I don't think I've ever seen one in early July. I checked eastern Catharus thrushes, but I still believe it was a Swainson's.