Evening Grosbeaks refound at Deadman Campground 7-2-07

Observers: Donna Bray
Email: donnabray@charter.net
Verification: MONO
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Date: 07/06/2007
Time: 02:09 PM -0400


Also had White-Headed Woodpecker at this very birdy place. (Thanks to Jim Brooks for the 6-29 report, and to the Mammoth Lakes Vistor Center staffer who pulled up the report for me.) Incidently, I was interested in seeing a Black-backed Woodpecker. I tried birding the burn area in Yosemite Hwy 120 (where I finally got my lifer in 2004). Late in the afternoon of July 4 I extensively birded the burn area around the corral at Red's Meadow. The Devil's Postpile checklist has them as 'fairly common' but I struck out. I tried the 120 East Burn area many times in the past and have given up there. Are they still around? ... or maybe they have headed out to Lake Tahoe? Thanks, Donna Bray. Norwalk, CA