Blue-winged Warbler at Deep Springs College

Observers: Chris and Rosie Howard
Date: 09/08/2007
Time: 02:41 PM -0400

Between 8AM and 9AM this morning, 8 Sept, we enjoyed good views of a Blue-winged Warbler at Deep Springs College near the reservoir. We were impressed by the intense yellow below, black eye line, gray-blue wings with narrow pale wingbars, and white undertail coverts and, when viewed from below with the tail closed, a substantially white undertail. The bill was straight and sharp. Often we'd relocate it by its' soft, high pitch call note. Photos below. We also had a Northern Waterthrush, 2-3 Red-shouldered Hawks, a dark morph Ferruginous Hawk, ~8 Willow Flycatchers, a Gray Flycatcher, and smaller numbers (handful each) of Wilson's, Orange-crowned, and Yellow Warblers.

Northern Waterthrush: