Observers: Jim & Debby Parker
Verification: MONO
Remote Name:
Date: 09/22/2007
Time: 05:16 PM -0400
This Lawrence's Goldfinch must be a first fall female because it is very dull looking gray all over but showing yellow wings. The bill is pale like a Lawrence's and shaped like a goldfinch bill. We missed seeing any yellow on the breast but could have missed that. It's feeding the large mixed flock of Lazuli Buntings (a handfull), Chipping & Brewer's Sparrows, Vesper Sparrows, American Robins, Savannah Sparrows and White-crowned Sparrows ( one Oriantha race). A separate flock of Horned Larks was present and a few American Pipits. We also saw one Gray Flycatcher and a few Western Wood-Pewees, Warbling Vireos and Orange-crowned Warblers. An Accipeter and a Kestrel dive bomb the flock periodically. The flocks are feeding near the baseball fields and the snackbar building on the grassy hill.