Observers: Justin Hite, Kathy Kelley, Chris McCreedy
Email: justinhiteatgmaildotcom
Verification: MONO
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Date: 09/26/2007
Time: 03:17 PM -0400
We had nice afternoon birding at Crowley on our way down to the Colombia/Coca talk yesterday in Bishop. We birded the muddy shoreline of what i think is called the Peninsula. A young Sabine's Gull was foraging on shore. It had pretty awesome footwork -- it looked like it was dancing to a salsa beat as it pecked the mud and water. There was also a solitary Solitary Sandpiper -- full eye-ring, dark wings, shortish yellow legs. The Pectoral Sandpiper was to the west, where the big muddy delta-ish area is. Bright yellow legs, large size, white eyering/eybrow, and strongly defined brown bib with white belly. There was also a single adult dirty-bellied Black-bellied Plover and 7 Snowy Plovers.