Observers: Chris Howard and Jon Dunn
Date: 10/11/2007
Time: 05:48 PM -0400
At lunch today (11 Oct) we enjoyed seeing an immature male Black-and-White Warbler foraging on cottonwood limbs on the West and South edges of the pond. It had a bold black eyeline, pale auricular, heavy black flank streaking, black-streaked undertail coverts, and white throat. A very cooperative female Hermit Warbler, perhaps a first fall bird, was on the ground under the sawed-off Cottonwood trees at the back of the park. The Hermit showed no signs of hybridization: yellowish head with olive auriculars and nape, extending into the crown, grayish-olive back, bold white wingbars, no flank color or streaks. Jon said the Hermit was so rare that seeing a Black-throated Green Warbler at this time of year would be more likely. Indeed, the previous late record for Hermit Warbler, according to the Heindel Graphs, is 18 Sept. I managed a photo of the Hermit which I'll post later.