Observers: Chris and Rosie Howard
Date: 10/24/2007
Time: 02:02 PM -0400
This morning, 24 Oct, we watched a “Slate-colored” Fox Sparrow in our backyard. It had a smallish bill; wasn't a Thick-billed Fox Sparrow. We presume it was of the schistacea group. The bird had a grayish head and back which contrasted with the noticeably rufous flight feathers and tail. It had faint dark streaks on the mantle, but we thought not enough to make it a altivagans. Breast streaks were blurry and brown, but long, and not merged together into blobs like the Sooty we had last week. The off-white breast background was much more obvious than on the Sooty. For more info, check out BNA online; the Fox Sparrow account is free: