Steller's Jay at Bishop City Park & Virginia Rail e. of sewer ponds

Observers: D.Parker, B.Mitchel, N. & R. Overholtz, P. Pumphreys & C. Spenger
Date: 10/25/2007
Time: 04:42 PM -0400

At a feeder next door to park this is the 3rd one I've seen on valley floor last few weeks, a montaine species dropping down to the valley floor for some snacks. The Virginia Rail was heard giving its "descending series of oink notes" (National Geographic fieldguide) reminiscent of a pig oinking. The rail stayed hidden back in the cattails with a Marsh Wren, Song and Savannah Sparrows. This pond can be reached by driving e. on East Line St. and turning south opposite the road to the airport. Also present was a single Dowitcher, a few Americian Pipits flying over & two Eared Grebes in basic plumage.