Observers: Robert McNab
Verification: MONO
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Date: 11/07/2007
Time: 10:36 AM -0500
Driving home from Mammoth Lakes down 395 yesterday, I had a few notable birds to share, including a really nice adult Ferruginous Hawk soaring right next to Hwy 395 at Olancha over the ranch land west of the Hwy. A drive near the upper Owens River in NE Bishop earlier that morning had a Prairie Falcon on a power pole near Five Bridges Rd., an adult Golden Eagle flying south across Hwy 6 at Five Bridges Rd., and a Canvasback on a pond near the gravel quarry on Five Bridges Rd. This was the south pond (one on either side of the road). A Loggerhead Shrike flew in front of my vehicle on 395 at the Bishop Country Club. Probably no surprise, but there was a Eurasian Collared-Dove in Big Pine. Lastly, while fishing on Crowley Lake Friday 11/2/07, I had two Pacific Loons and an American Herring Gull around the "green banks" area (North arm). Mountain Bluebirds and Am. Pipits are common also arounfd the mouth of the owens at Crowley. Good birding, Robert McNab, Laguna Niguel, CA.