Observers: Susan and Bob Steele
Email: steele7 verizon net
Verification: MONO
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Date: 11/18/2007
Time: 09:01 PM -0500
Thanks to Ken Wells we went up to Twin Lakes and had nice views of the Eurasian Wigeon. Then onto Mary Lake which had Bald Eagles, and a surprising diversity of waterbirds – Redhead, GW Teal, Common Loon, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Pintail and two Surf Scoters. The Surf Scoters were best observed from the west side of the lake near the outlet and were both females with long black bills and two small white patches on the face, one in front of the eye next to the bill and the other below and behind the eye. Sorta like snazzy ruddy ducks. At Crowley Lake the three Sandhill Cranes continue, and thanks to James Wilson, we had nice looks at two Rough-legged Hawks.