Observers: Chris and Rosie Howard
Verification: MONO
Remote Name:
Date: 11/20/2007
Time: 04:57 PM -0500
On Saturday (17 Nov) we heard a 'chimpy', non-Audubon's/Orange-crowned Warbler in the willow trees behind our house and we got unsatisfactory views but thought it was quite possibly a Yellow Warbler. Today at lunch (20 Nov) we heard it again, then got good looks at it's yellow, unstreaked underparts, plain face marked only with a pale eyering around a black, beady eye. No eyeline. The best views were at the yellow undertail coverts and undertail, extending all the way to the tail tip. The tail corners and outermost tailfeathers were black. This is a very late date for fall migration, but perhaps the species is exhibiting 'date creep'; they have been recorded on the last two Bishop CBCs.