Bishop CBC: Saturday 15 Dec 2007

Observers: Chris Howard
Date: 12/12/2007

The Bishop Christmas Bird Count is this Saturday, December 15th. Count week is today, December 12th through Tuesday the 18th.  During count week, please keep an eye out for the following birds we may easily miss on count day:. any Hummingbird, Canada/Cackling Goose, Wood Duck, Merlin, any Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Vesper Sparrow, Great-tailed Grackle, Pine Siskin, Cassin's Finch.  If you see any of these birds or other specialty bird, please let me know where and when you saw it.  I'll forward your sighting to the team who covers that area.

It's not too late to sign up for the Bishop CBC.  Birding ability doesn't' matter; we need your eyes and we'll link you up with more experienced birders. If interested, email me.  Below is a Google Map showing the Bishop CBC circle, 15 miles in diameter centered on the Ed Powers / Red Hill Road intersection.

View Larger Map in Google Maps  or download the original Google Earth kml file here.