Wood Ducks, Hooded Merg, LeConte's Thrasher, No Shrike

Observers: Al DeMartini
Email: al_demar@yahoo.com
Verification: MONO
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Date: 01/09/2008
Time: 03:30 PM -0500


All sightings Jan 4 2008 (sorry to be late). The pair of WODU were wandering/feeding with Mallards on the grass W of the city park pond in Bishop at the height of the storm. The gal Hooded was on the pond. Earlier before the storm really took off I was at Fish Slough (1st light) in Mono & saw the LeConte's running around just N of the spring near the foot of the hill and a bit later the nearly maskless but quite gray shrike was SW of the spring nearly to the main road. Probably unusual for the flats was a Stellar's Jay in Chalfant as the storm picked up as well as a male Merlin. Four Waxwings were there w/o good enough looks (briefly & in poor light) to ID.