White-fronted Geese in Bishop

Observers: Debby Parker, Larry Arbanas and Kathy Duvall, Steve McLaughlin and Jan Bowers, Claus & Connie Engelhardt, Ron & Nancy Overholtz, Larry Nahm, Bill Mitchel, Kay Wilson
Email: j.parkeratcebridge.net
Date: 02/14/2008
Time: 07:25 PM -0500

Larry Arbanas spotted a single White-fronted Goose yesterday with the birding group which was difficult to pick out as it blended in with the cattails at a good distance. Sharp eyes! Today more were found nearby, maybe they came down to escape the horrendous windstorm we had last night in the Bishop area. As far as which race these are, we're not sure and further more, I've been told it's a tough call in general.