Observers: Heindels and friends
Verification: MONO
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Date: 02/23/2008
Time: 06:47 PM -0500
On Saturday, 23 Feb, the Audubon Society's winter trip turned up the following goodies: 15 Tundra Swans, 1 adult Bald Eagle, 4 Great Egrets, and 1 American Avocet (found by Barb Schuck) at Tinemaha Reservoir. The later two are the first reported away from Owens Lake where they are known to winter. There were 3 Greater Yellowlegs at Klondike Lake also the first reported away from Owens Lake where they, too, winter. Guess those three species are anxious to head into the snow storm to the north! Also nice were the Great Blue Herons on nests at the heronry where they arrived last week as well as great looks at two Ferruginous Hawks. It was a two-eagle day with a Golden Eagle (found by Nancy Overholtz) hanging out on County Road and a Cassin's Finch (also found by Nancy) nearby, which had never been found on this trip before! The Great Horned Owl was not at its nest and no falcon was found. The trip began under still, clear blue skies and ended under almost totally gray skies and a blowing gale. It was a great morning of camaraderie and birds enhanced knowing that this wedge of wonderful weather was ending!