Observers: Chris and Rosie Howard
Verification: MONO
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Date: 04/22/2008
Time: 11:31 AM -0400
This morning (22 Apr) brought several first of spring species for us in the field west of Meadowcreek, south of Dixon Lane: Yellow Warbler (male), Wilson's Warbler (male), Fox Sparrow (possibly a Sooty race), Chipping Sparrow, Dusky Flycatcher (tail-up, thin, long bill, short primary projection), Warbling Vireo (at Wishing Well Bridge), and Cassin's Vireo. We also saw several Gray Flycatchers (tail-dipping), a vocal Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (also at Wishing Well Bridge), Cassin's and House Finches, Lesser and American Goldfinches, Mourning and Eurasian-collared Doves, House and Bewick's Wrens, and the always entertaining flock of (~100) Yellow-headed Blackbirds.