Observers: Steve Glover
Verification: MONO
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Date: 05/07/2008
Time: 12:48 PM -0400
Hi all, On 4/30 I had the following birds in Inyo County. On Hwy 168 between Big Pine and Westgard Pass there was a calling Blue Grosbeak and singing Bell's Vireo (seen as well) at the Owens River, 2 Green-tailed Towhees were at the turnoff to Death Valley, Cassin's Finches and a Costa's Hummingbird were at Tollhouse Springs, a Scott's Oriole was singing about 9.1 miles from 395 in a side canyon, Black-throated Gray Warblers were singing everywhere, Plumbeous Vireos were 10.5 and 11.2 miles east of 395, Pinyon Jay was heard near the turnoff to the monument and a Clark's Nutcracker flew over near the campground in the monument. Down in the valley there were better numbers of western migrants, with Gray Flycatchers being downright common in all riparian areas. At Baker Creek were at least 5 Grays, as well as a Hammond's and several pewees. Three more Gray's were on Steward Rd. 90 American White Pelicans were circling over Tinnemaha. Fort Road had Swainson's Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, 2 Gray and 2 Dusky Flycatchers, as well as 6 other empids "whitting." On Sageflat Rd. were a Lewis's Woodpecker down by the houses, 2 Hermit Thrushes, 2 Oak Titmice, 2 Hammond's Flycatchers, 12 Gray Flycatchers, 2 "Western" Flycatchers, 25 Wilson's Warblers, a singing California Thrasher to the right of the first oaks next to the road, an Olive-sided Flycatcher, a male Calliope Hummingbird at the end of the road, 45 Vaux's Swifts, 1 Townsend's Warbler and a Common Poorwill. The Poorwill began to sing before dark near the lowest oaks. Steve Glover Dublin, CA