MacGillivray's WA; Mammoth

Observers: Donna Willey
Date: 07/13/2008
Time: 06:29 PM -0400

Although not an unusual bird per se, it is a warbler that is hard to spot. For those who may not know it, the Mac's nest up here near Mammoth on a small stream in a very dense jungle of a forest that lines the stream. The trees are deciduous; many of them old primary aspen habitat and secondary forest coming up all around and under the aged aspen. Dead aspen lie thick on the forest floor and the understory is dense with Wood's roses, columbine growing everywhere and stinging nettles. You will not find a human presence in this dense growth and it is here that many, many birds nest, among them the Mac's and Yellow warblers. The FG refers to the MacGillivray's warblers as a "skulking" warbler; however, when the Mac's nest they cease being a skulking bird and make their presence known as they flit through the branches of trees and bushes collecting large green caterpillars for their chicks. The following are some photos of a beautiful, lively and inquisitive warbler pair with 3 chicks in their nest hidden amongst stinging nettles about 3" off the ground. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.