Rock Creek Birds

Observers: Ron & Nancy Overholtz, Claus & Connie Engelhardt, Kathy Duvall and Bill Mitchel
Email: williamdotmitchelatusamediadottv
Verification: MONO
Remote Name:
Date: 07/30/2008
Time: 07:00 PM -0400


This morning a group of us took a walk up Rock Creek from the Sno-Park to the little lake below Rock Creek Lake. In the meadow next to the Sno-Park we found a large number of juveniles - Western Wood-Pewees, Spotted Towhees, Oregon Juncos and what we believe were Green-tailed Towhees. No adult Green-tailed Towhees were found but we did see an adult Spotted Towhee, Oregon Junco and many adult Western Wood-Pewees. At one time we saw three of them sitting side-by-side. In the same meadow we found a family of House Wrens. Other birds found were Yellow-rumped Warbler, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Western Tanager (female), Northern Flicker, Violet-green Swallow, Mountain Chickadee, Black Phoebe, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Dipper, Brown Creeper, Steller's Jay and a probable Hairy Woodpecker.