Sabine's Gull and Hurricane Gustav at Mono Lake

Observers: Justin Hite
Email: justinhiteatgmaildotcom
Date: 09/01/2008
Time: 10:50 PM -0400

I went down to the DWP dock to make several phone calls to friends from Louisiana this afternoon to see how they fared in Hurricane Gustav. At least 3,000 California Gulls were foraging just offshore on a swath of Alkali Fly pupae blown up in yesterday's massive windstorm. And while listening to Andrew Barron, who evacuated to a friend's house in central Louisiana, wonder whether or not his home in Thibodaux had made it through the storm, a single juvenile Sabine's Gull flew by headed eastward. Then while listening to a friend I worked in New Orleans with as a voluteer after Katrina tell me about being shot with rubber bullets by cops in St Paul today while he was protesting at the RNC, an adult Bonaparte's Gull flew by eastward. So after I was done on the phone, I wandered eastward a shortways to the Lee Vining Creek delta, where both birds were bathing. An all white Eared Grebe was also there.