by Tom & Jo Heindel | Dec 3, 2013 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
This content can be found printed in the Sierra Wave (PDF).
by Tom & Jo Heindel | Sep 3, 2013 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
Spring 2013 provided a nice potpourri of rare and casual bird species as well as new records for more common species. While each season brings unexpected birds to the Eastern Sierra, Spring is always looked forward to, not only for a needed break from a cold...
by Tom & Jo Heindel | May 2, 2013 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
Another Winter season has passed and we are now watching spring migration, one of the most interesting and exciting seasons of the year. OK, each season has its own interesting and exciting avian events! Now that the book is closed on the Winter season, it is always...
by Tom & Jo Heindel | Mar 4, 2013 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
Are you ready?! Life is about to get more complicated! Millions of bird that spend the winter in more hospitable climes to the south with abundant food supplies have already started moving north. These neotropical migrants may summer and raise a family in the Eastern...
by Tom & Jo Heindel | Jan 2, 2013 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
Seldom seen species, as well as earliest, latest, and highest elevations ever, were some of the exciting Inyo County records that were set during the Fall 2012 season. All the data are the result of so many people conducting so many bird surveys and working so hard to...
by Chris Howard | Dec 25, 2012 | Blog, Christmas Bird Count
2012 (PDF) 2011 (PDF)
by Tom & Jo Heindel | Nov 3, 2012 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
Winter is a very stressful time for wildlife but providing cover, water, and food will insure an interesting Discovery Channel in your own backyard! Immaculate yards are less interesting since there are few places to hide from predators, at least, that is the excuse...
by Tom & Jo Heindel | Sep 8, 2012 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
This is a primer on what to do if you see a bird that is unfamiliar to you…whether you are a birder or not. Scientific protocol is a wonderful and beautiful thing and is so easy that everybody, and we mean everybody, can understand it and follow the simple,...
by Tom & Jo Heindel | May 4, 2012 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
Many locations have spectacular wildlife observation opportunities and the Eastern Sierra can claim one of them. If one wants an awe inspiring experience with Sandhill Cranes, a winter trip to Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, will not...
by Tom & Jo Heindel | Mar 5, 2012 | Blog, Heindel, Sierra Wave
Grebes make up the family Podicipedidae, a relatively small group of diving water birds that are found worldwide. Unlike ducks, they have lobed toes, legs that are far back on the body of the bird, and are ungainly on land where they are seldom seen unless sick. There...