Pollinator Gardens

As a national organization, Audubon is committed to increasing bird habitat resources in residential and urban areas. The focus of this effort is not solely on birds, but on wildlife in general, recognizing that all wild things are under increasing stress as a result of factors such as habitat loss and alteration and the effects of climate change.

In his book, Bringing Nature Home, Doug Tallamy writes: “For the first time, gardening has taken on a role that transcends the needs of the gardener. It is now within the power of the individual gardener to do something we all dream of doing – to make a difference. In this case, the difference will be to the future of biodiversity, to the native plants and animals of North America and the ecosystems that sustain then.”

Homeowners who landscape with appropriate trees and plants can create food factories that turn out
regular deliveries of caterpillars, insects, fruit and seeds that sustain birds and other creatures during migration and residence.

Eastern Sierra Audubon has partnered with the Eastern Sierra Land Trust, California Native Plant Society, Bristlecone Chapter, and Inyo-Mono Masters Gardener Program to create and maintain wildlife sustaining gardens throughout the Eastern Sierra. The Pollinator Garden Project helps residents who want to create home and business landscapes that attract and sustain migratory and resident birds, pollinators of all kinds and other wildlife. Whether your available space is small or large; a clean slate or established garden, you can add elements that help to “grow habitat back”.

Help is available through the project to:

  • Evaluate your garden spaces and design your project
  • Create water saving irrigation systems
  • Develop a selection of sustainable plantings
  • Create a low maintenance garden
  • Make your landscape safe for wildlife
  • Target specific species to become a part of your garden
  • Fully enjoy the presence of the wildlife which you have drawn into your garden

The Pollinator Project holds events each spring to help gardeners jump start their wildlife friendly
endeavors. A garden workshop brings together speakers who share information about pollinators; their
behavior and needs, attracting and sustaining wildlife, selecting sustainable, low maintenance plantings, designing and installing water-wise irrigation, bird feeding and making sure your design is safe for the critters who will depend on it for food and shelter. Garden Fest is an outdoor event at which local organizations set up information tables to share information and give advice, sell seeds and plants and just enjoy talking about working in the dirt. The Pollinator Project is also able to certify your garden as pollinator friendly using criteria which ensure that your landscaping provides support to pollinators of all kinds.

If you cannot attend one of these events you can get information and answers to your questions by
contacting one of the project partners.

  • Eastern Sierra Audubon
  • Eastern Sierra Land Trust
  • California Native Plant Society
  • Inyo-Mono Master Gardeners

For more information about wildlife friendly gardening, go to:

Focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats.