Bird Banding

Someday, if you are lucky, you will see a bird marked with leg bands, wing tags, spray colored or neck-collared. All of these birds are especially important as they can be identitied right down to a specific individual. Somebody held that bird, marked it, took...

Avian Fallout

Many areas can experience a fallout of birds but an area famous for it is High Island, Texas. When north moving birds meet south moving storms it’s bad for birds but exciting for birders. The following is an account of such an experience that Jim & Debby Parker,...

Fall Migration, 1995

As we transition into winter it is a good time to look back at our recently passed fall and reflect on some of the migrant stars that briefly blessed us with their presence. It was a good fall for loons with one Red-throated Loon, our rarest with only 6 previous...

Winter Birds

Have you noticed that winter is not the same as summer! No, not the cooler temperatures, the lack of leaves or the cold winds, but the birds. Some species of birds visit us only in the winter while others, called permanent residents, are here all year. The obvious...

Inyo County is Hawk Heaven

Inyo county is an excellent place to observe diurnal raptors, a group loosely referred to as hawks. Twenty species have been reliably recorded for the county. A few others have been reported but lack the strict documentation required for a first county record. The...

Opening a Restaurant for Birds

To feed or not to feed is a question that has many “experts” on both sides of the argument. The purpose of this article is not to sway you one way or the other but to answer the questions that are asked by those who choose to feed birds. SEED feeding can...

For the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.