Heindel WAVE ArticlesSign up for our WAVE Newsletter Home | Programs | Field Trips | Calendar | Newsletter | Education | Eastern Sierra Birds | Inyo Bird Checklist | Owens Lake | Bird-a-thon | Membership | About ESAS The Winter of 1996-1997 in Inyoby Tom and Jo...
Heindel WAVE ArticlesSign up for our WAVE Newsletter Home | Programs | Field Trips | Calendar | Newsletter | Education | Eastern Sierra Birds | Inyo Bird Checklist | Owens Lake | Bird-a-thon | Membership | About ESAS Winter Birding: Best Time to Begin (January...
Someday, if you are lucky, you will see a bird marked with leg bands, wing tags, spray colored or neck-collared. All of these birds are especially important as they can be identitied right down to a specific individual. Somebody held that bird, marked it, took...
Each season brings with it an unique avian fingerprint that is unlike that of any other. This summer season in Inyo County was no exception. It began with a beautiful male Rose-breasted Grosbeak on an Eastern Sierra Audubon Society field trip to Birchim Canyon on June...
As we transition into winter it is a good time to look back at our recently passed fall and reflect on some of the migrant stars that briefly blessed us with their presence. It was a good fall for loons with one Red-throated Loon, our rarest with only 6 previous...
Once upon a time, long, long ago, bison herds roamed the central plains accompanied by the small, drab buffalo-bird. This black and brown bird walked and hopped between the legs of the behemoth bovines capturing insects disturbed by the hooves churning up the rich...
To feed or not to feed is a question that has many “experts” on both sides of the argument. The purpose of this article is not to sway you one way or the other but to answer the questions that are asked by those who choose to feed birds. SEED feeding can...
“Hogwash!” declared the chipmunk lady. “It’s true, Enid.” reaffirmed Tom. quot;I don’t believe it!” she said, her blue eyes flashing. “But Enid, some of the finest scientists of the day were on the expedition and if...
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