2010 Fall Fallout in Inyo County

Some Falls can be a little slow and others can be exciting but sometimes a flood of rare species arrive inundating the record books. This season accumulated a list of highlights so lengthy that this article will only deal with the crème de la crème. The two rarest...

Winter Bird Alert

It is November now, and as we look at the east slope of the Sierra we cannot help but notice that the green riparian in the canyon bottoms is now gold and crimson with touches of maroon. Winter is just around the corner, but what kind will we have this year and what...

Winter Birding: Best Time to Begin

Heindel WAVE ArticlesSign up for our WAVE Newsletter Home | Programs | Field Trips | Calendar | Newsletter | Education | Eastern Sierra Birds | Inyo Bird Checklist | Owens Lake | Bird-a-thon | Membership | About ESAS Winter Birding: Best Time to Begin (January...

Winter Birds

Have you noticed that winter is not the same as summer! No, not the cooler temperatures, the lack of leaves or the cold winds, but the birds. Some species of birds visit us only in the winter while others, called permanent residents, are here all year. The obvious...

To conserve and restore natural ecosystems.