The 35th annual Bishop Christmas Bird Count was December 17, 2016. Forty-seven birders counted every bird in the 15-mile diameter CBC circle centered on the intersection of Ed Powers Road and Red Hill Road. The circle encompasses Round Valley, Pleasant Valley...
Report: 2015 Bishop Christmas Bird Count The 34th annual Bishop Christmas Bird Count was held December 19, 2015, a nearly windless though chilly day, clear in the morning and overcast in the afternoon with temperatures ranging from 11°F to 45°F. An excellent turnout...
Many visitors arrive in the eastern Sierra from southern California and are thrilled to see the flashy Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) as it crosses the road in front of them or flies alongside their car as if in welcome. They are not used to seeing this large,...
Heindel WAVE ArticlesSign up for our WAVE Newsletter Home | Programs | Field Trips | Calendar | Newsletter | Education | Eastern Sierra Birds | Inyo Bird Checklist | Owens Lake | Bird-a-thon | Membership | About ESAS Winter Birding: Best Time to Begin (January...
Have you noticed that winter is not the same as summer! No, not the cooler temperatures, the lack of leaves or the cold winds, but the birds. Some species of birds visit us only in the winter while others, called permanent residents, are here all year. The obvious...
To feed or not to feed is a question that has many “experts” on both sides of the argument. The purpose of this article is not to sway you one way or the other but to answer the questions that are asked by those who choose to feed birds. SEED feeding can...
“Hogwash!” declared the chipmunk lady. “It’s true, Enid.” reaffirmed Tom. quot;I don’t believe it!” she said, her blue eyes flashing. “But Enid, some of the finest scientists of the day were on the expedition and if...
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