Another exciting fall has come and gone and left behind many records of rare and casual species that are always a pleasant surprise. Some birds were early or late fall migrants, some were recorded at higher elevations than expected, and some are just plain rare in...
When the dawn’s early light begins to awaken people, they seldom wake up thinking, “Today I am going to see an amazing avian event!” Those who experienced this event, one that had never been recorded in the Eastern Sierra before, had no premonition...
The Barred Owl is a large owl, only slightly smaller than a Great Horned Owl, with ebony-black eyes. It is a resident of forests, swamps, and riparian habitats and, historically, was widespread in the eastern half of the United States. The northern range began to...
Report: 2015 Bishop Christmas Bird Count The 34th annual Bishop Christmas Bird Count was held December 19, 2015, a nearly windless though chilly day, clear in the morning and overcast in the afternoon with temperatures ranging from 11°F to 45°F. An excellent turnout...
Are you ready? Ready for the change that is already underway? We are talking about the birds we have been watching all summer. Many of them are neo-tropical migrants and some are already on their way south where they will find sufficient food and cover and...
The 33rd annual Bishop Christmas Bird Count was held December 14, 2014, a nearly windless day, though a bit cloudy and chilly, with a low temperature of 21F and a high of 48F. An excellent turnout of 65 birders in 12 teams tallied 108 species with a total of 10,230...
The 32nd annual Bishop Christmas Bird Count was held December 14, 2013, a nearly windless and sunny day with amazingly balmy temperatures (low 23F, high 62F). A record 68 birders in 12 teams tallied 103 species with a total of 8,790 individual birds. Overall, teams...
Another Winter season has passed and we are now watching spring migration, one of the most interesting and exciting seasons of the year. OK, each season has its own interesting and exciting avian events! Now that the book is closed on the Winter season, it is always...
Are you ready?! Life is about to get more complicated! Millions of bird that spend the winter in more hospitable climes to the south with abundant food supplies have already started moving north. These neotropical migrants may summer and raise a family in the Eastern...
Winter is a very stressful time for wildlife but providing cover, water, and food will insure an interesting Discovery Channel in your own backyard! Immaculate yards are less interesting since there are few places to hide from predators, at least, that is the excuse...
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