Bird Sighting Archives 2001

Great White Egret--canal east of Caltrans near KMart. Jack & Pat Crowther 12/22/01
Northern Pygmy Owl K. Duvall & J. Zatorski 12/17/01
Bishop CBC Highlights Bishop CBC participants (posted by Chris Howard) 12/17/01
Western Grebe at Diaz Lake Wickman 12/17/01
American Redstart again and Common Yellowthroat Parkers 12/16/01
American Redstart in Birchim Parkers 12/13/01
White-winged Scoter continues at Tinemaha Reservoir Chris Howard 12/11/01
25 American Robins and 10 Cedar Waxwings in yard Parker 12/10/01
Northern Parula Warbler Birchim Dec. 9 Parkers 12/9/01
Sandhill Crane-pasture east of S Barlow Lane James Wilson 12/7/01
Aleutian Canada Goose contines at Bishop City Park Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 12/7/01
Osprey,Fox Sparrow and Hermit Thrush Parker 12/6/01
Turkey Vultures-above canal west of Line St Jack & Pat Crowther 12/5/01
Anna's Hummingbird Andrew and Leah Kirk, Independence 12/2/01
Re: Anna's Hummingbird Stacy Peterson 12/13/01
Re: Anna's Hummingbird Rick Scott 12/4/01
Re: Anna's Hummingbird Andrew Kirk 12/6/01
Indigo Bunting in Birchim 12/2 Parkers 12/2/01
Blackburnian Warbler, N. Parula, Varied Thrush Ron Beck, J. Dunn, D. House 12/2/01
Eastern Sierra Audubon Fieldtrip Report Chris Howard 12/2/01
Evening Grosbeak  today at Rocking K D.Parker 12/2/01
Harris' sparrow Bea Cooley 11/28/01
Winter Wren in Bishop J. Zatorski 11/28/01
Ruddy Ground-Doves, Aleutian Canada Geese, etc. Joe Morlan and Robbie Fischer 11/28/01
Lewis's Woodpecker Robert Grimmond 11/27/01
Tundra Swans, Pac Loon and White-Winged Scoter at Tinemaha yesterda Parkers 11/26/01
White-winged Scoter continues, Pac Loon @ Tinemaha Chris Howard 11/23/01
Turkey in Owens Valley Wickman 11/22/01
Vermillion Flycatcher still at Bishop Sewer Ponds Bob Maurer 11/21/01
Townsend's Solitaire Larry & Ruth Blakely 11/21/01
White-winged Scoter, Merlin, Swamp Sparrow Bob Maurer 11/20/01
Pink-sided Juncos at Millpond ? D.Parker 11/19/01
Slate-Colored Junco & Orange-Crowned Warbler today Parkers 11/17/01
Harris's Sparrow today in Meadowcreek Parkers 11/17/01
Black Scoter et al. Jon Dunn, Parkers, Heindels 11/10/01
Vermilion Flycatcher still at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 11/9/01
White-tailed Kite D House 11/7/01
Hooded Mergansers Today at Millpond Parker 11/7/01
Pacific Loon, Red Phalarope, Herring Gull at Tinemaha Res Bob Maurer 11/5/01
Blackpoll and Palm Warblers at North Haiwee Res Bob Maurer 11/5/01
Scoters, Thayer's Gull at Crowley Dunn, Parkers, Howard, Beach 11/4/01
winter wren in Birchim Cyn today Parker 10/31/01
Evening Grosbeak Linda Wolfe 10/30/01
"Aleutian" Canada Goose at Bishop City Park Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 10/29/01
Owens & Death Valley weekend various 10/29/01
Crowley Reservoir birds Debbie House and Jon Dunn 10/26/01
Golden-Crowned Sparrows Parker 10/26/01
Crooked Creek Research Station Birds Bob Maurer 10/24/01
re Western Gull, etc. Wickman 10/24/01
Gray Catbird at Mono Lake County Park 10/23/01 Rosie Beach's Third grade class, chaperones, Bartshe Miller 10/23/01
Western Gull, Herring Gull, Lapland Longspur Bob  Maurer 10/23/01
Pink-sided Junco (possible) and Pine Siskin in Bishop Chris Howard 10/22/01
Lewis's Woodpeckers Wickman 10/18/01
Lewis' Woodpecker Bob Maurer  10/18/01
American Bittern @ Mill Pond, Winter Wren @ Pine Creek  today. Parker 10/17/01
Common Ground Dove, Independence Andrew Kirk 10/15/01
Mountain Plover etc. Wickman 10/14/01
Thayer's Gull at Tinemaha Reservoir Jon Dunn (by Heindel) 10/14/01
Black-throated blue warbler Laura Cunningham 10/14/01
Golden-crowned Kinglet - Birchim Canyon Debbie House 10/13/01
Sandhill Crane today at Bishop Sewer Ponds Debby Parker 10/12/01
Vermilion Flycatchers @ BSP. R. Beach, C. Howard & J. Zatorski 10/11/01
Cottonwood Marsh Birds Bob Maurer 10/10/01
Dunlin at Nik & Nik Ponds Chris Howard 10/10/01
Tomales Bay and Point birds. J. Zatorski 10/9/01
Ash-throated Flycatcher at Deep Springs Tom & Jo Heindel 10/8/01
Yellow-shafted Flicker at Red Mountain Creek John and Roz Gorham (by Heindel) 10/8/01
Peregrine and Dunlin at Little Lake Bob Maurer (by Heindel) 10/8/01
Phainopeplas Wickman 10/8/01
Common Tern at Mono Lake Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 10/8/01
Bobolink, Independence Andrew Kirk 10/6/01
Fox Sparrow in Birchim a reddish race Parkers 10/6/01
Heermann's Gull and Bobolinks in Mono Co. David L. Suddjian 10/6/01
Re: Heermann's Gull and Bobolinks in Mono Co. Debby Parker 10/6/01
Re: Heermann's Gull and Bobolinks in Mono Co. D.Parker 10/6/01
White-throated Sparrow today in Birchim Canyon D.Parker 10/5/01
Red Phalarope, Sabine's Gull, Golden-crowned Kinglet & Prothonotary Warbler  at Little Lake, Olancha and Tinemaha Reservoir Dunn, Heindels, Parkers, Wickman 10/5/01
Steller's Jay in Bishop J. Zatorski 10/2/01
Semipalmated Plover, Cattle Egrets Wickman 9/30/01
5 Sabine's Gulls at Crowley Lake Bob Maurer 9/26/01
black backed woodpecker  burned area south of reds meadow on trail to red cone steve brad 9/25/01
OOPS - Cattle Egrets, not Eagrets  9/22/01
Marbled Godwit, Cattle Eagrets Wickman 9/22/01
Western Tanager sightings wanted Karen Ferrell-Ingram 9/21/01
FCR and Eastern Kern Co. 18 & 19 Sept Mike San Miguel 9/19/01
Death Valley birds Parkers 9/16/01
Owens Lake Birds Wickman 9/15/01
Red Knot, Sanderling, Sabine's, Common Terns at Tinemaha Reservoir Chris Ross (posted by Chris Howard) 9/13/01
Re: Red Knot, Sanderling, Sabine's, Common Terns at Tinemaha Rese...  9/14/01
Re: Red Knot, Sanderling, Sabine's, Common Terns at Tinemaha ... Chris Howard 9/17/01
Herring Gull at Cottonwood Creek Bob Maurer 9/12/01
Whimbrel at Cottonwood Creek on 8 September Bob Maurer 9/12/01
Gambelii White-crowned Sparrow (FOF) in Bishop Chris Howard 9/12/01
Northern Waterthrush today at Furnace Creek, Death Valley D.Parker for Laura Cunningham 9/10/01
Bishop Sewer Ponds Update Jerry Zatorski and Bill Mitchel 9/9/01
Melanerpes at Seven Pines Andrew and Leah Kirk 9/9/01
Band-tailed Pigeon today west of Meadowcreek D.Parker 9/7/01
White-winged Dove today on Dixon Lane, Bishop D.Parker 9/4/01
Eastern Sierra Birding Location Directions Chris Howard 9/3/01
re re sulfate well  9/3/01
Lucy's Warbler Birchim today Parkers 9/2/01
Re: Lucy's Warbler Birchim today Mike Feighner 9/4/01
Revised Bishop Sewer Ponds Directions Debby Parker 9/2/01
Re: Revised Bishop Sewer Ponds Directions Mike Feighner 9/4/01
Pectoral Sandpiper Wickman 9/2/01
Re: Pectoral Sandpiper  9/2/01
Location Bishop Sewer Ponds D.Parker 9/1/01
Re: Location Bishop Sewer Ponds bob K 9/2/01
good yard birds and Bishop sewer ponds Parkers 8/31/01
Re: good yard birds and Bishop sewer ponds  9/1/01
Red Phalarope at Crowley Lake Bob Maurer 8/29/01
Bishop Sewer Ponds Update Chris Howard and Jerry Zatorski 8/28/01
Re: Bishop Sewer Ponds Update  9/1/01
Re: Bishop Sewer Ponds Update  9/3/01
Crowley Lake birding Bea Cooley and Carolyn Gann 8/26/01
Black-bellied Plover at Crowley Lake Bob Maurer 8/26/01
Acorn Woodpeckers, Independence Andrew and Leah Kirk 8/25/01
Cooper's Hawk, Scrub and Steller's Jays, Sage Sparrows in Wilkerson Larry & Ruth 8/25/01
Painted bunting behind Meadowcreek yesterday Debby Parker 8/23/01
Hermit Warbler Kathy Duvall 8/20/01
Hunter Mountain Birds B. Cooley, K. Duval, C. Gann, B. Schuck, & J. Zatorski  8/20/01
Good birds and habitat at Tinemaha Reservoir Chris Howard 8/15/01
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Independence) Andrew Kirk 8/13/01
Re: Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Independence) Andrew Kirk 8/19/01
Southeastern CA RBA notice John Green 8/13/01
green-tailed towhee,singing willow fly, pinyon & scrub jays Parkers 8/13/01
Owens Lake Birds Wickman 8/10/01
good birds up Pine Creek D.Parker 8/10/01
Western Screech-Owl & Rufous 'n' Blackthroated HBs J. Zatorski 8/9/01
Great Horned Owls (A Pair)  Mumy Lane John Burnstrom 8/9/01
Willow Flycatcher in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 8/6/01
Sanderling, Semipalmated Sandpiper at Crowley Reservoir (8/5) Owens Valley Bird Study Group (posted by Chris Howard) 8/6/01
Solitary Sandpiper James Barr 8/5/01
Western ? Gull  at  Crowley Lake Bob Maurer 8/1/01
Pectoral Sandpiper at Crowley Lake Bob Maurer 8/1/01
RFI:  locations for release of locally rescued migrants C.Gann for Cindy Kamler 7/24/01
Shorebirds at Crowley Lake Eliot & C. Gann 7/22/01
Solitary Sandpiper and Marbled Godwits Judy Wickman 7/22/01
Breeding  Willets at Crowley Lake Bob Maurer  7/18/01
Whimbrel at Crowley Lake Bob Maurer 7/18/01
Big Pine Creek, North Fork, Birds K. Duvall & J. Zatorski 7/16/01
Red-naped and Red-breasted Sapsuckers K. Duvall & J. Zatorski 7/16/01
SE CA RBA notice John Green 7/13/01
Rufous Hummingbird, Independence Andrew Kirk 7/6/01
Re: Rufous Hummingbird, Independence Andrew Kirk 7/6/01
Arctic Tern at Crowley Lake Bob Maurer 7/4/01
fllock of juv cliff swallows D.Parker 7/2/01
Xanthocephalous xanthocephalous, Independence Andrew and Leah Kirk 7/1/01
White-faced Ibis, Independence and Lone Pine Andrew and Leah Kirk 7/1/01
Black terns at Bishop sewer ponds C.Gann 6/30/01
Ten more black terns at Tinemaha Reservoir Chris Howard 6/30/01
White-winged Dove at Billy Lake J. Zatorski 6/27/01
Bufflehead today near Devil's Postpile, Madera County JIm & Deb Parker 6/24/01
Long-billed Curlew Brett Walker 6/22/01
Note: Updated Mono Lake bird sightings Bartshe Miller 6/21/01
Common Moorhen, Blue-winged Teal at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 6/20/01
Rose-breasted Grosbeak today in the Buttermilks D.Parker 6/18/01
Summer Tanagers Bob Hudson 6/18/01
Wilson's Phalaropes at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 6/12/01
Re: Wilson's Phalaropes at Bishop Sewer Ponds Bartshe Miller 6/21/01
Re: Wilson's Phalaropes at Bishop Sewer Ponds Andrew and Leah Kirk 6/14/01
Spotted Owl??? Marge Evans 6/9/01
Re: Spotted Owl??? D.Parker 6/12/01
Bobolink (female), Furnace Creek (near 6th tee) John Tiffany 6/7/01
Snow Goose near Independence Andrew & Leah Kirk 6/7/01
Re: Snow Goose near Independence Andrew Kirk 6/14/01
Willow Flycatcher D. House 6/5/01
yellow-billed cuckoo behind Meadowcreek, Bishop today Debby Parker 6/4/01
Southeastern CA RBA changes John Green 6/3/01
Owens Lake Birds Wickman 6/2/01
More Furnace Creek Ranch Birds (Chris Howard for) Michael J. San Miguel, Jr. 5/30/01
Willet - Dirty Socks Seep Brett Walker 5/29/01
Bank Swallow - Deep Springs, Caspian Tern - Diaz Lake Brett Walker <> 5/29/01
Least Tern at Furnace Creek Ranch, Death Valley Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 5/29/01
Wood Duck ducklins and GBHeron young Bishop Sewer Ponds Kathy Duvall and Carolyn Gann 5/28/01
Peregrine Falcon, Indigo Buntings  Death Valley Kathy Duvall and Jerry Zatorski 5/28/01
Female Northern Parula at Onion Valley Sue Guers 5/28/01
June 2nd Audubon Trip - River Springs/Adobe Valley Chris Howard 5/25/01
Moorhen at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard and Jim Parker 5/22/01
Common Nighthawk in Bishop Chris Howard 5/22/01
Northern Parula and Redstart at Deep Springs ponds Chris Howard 5/20/01
Franklin's Gull at Cottonwood Marsh, Owens Lake sightings J & D Parker 5/19/01
Mountain Plover in Breeding Plumage at Keeler Sue Guers and Ryan Gill 5/18/01
Blackpoll Warbler at Birchim Canyon today, May 14, 2001 Debby Parker and Bonnie Fanti 5/14/01
Mirabilis multiflora Andrew Kirk 5/13/01
Best LP IMBD Bird Wickman, Hudson, Prather 5/13/01
Evening Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting D.Parker 5/10/01
Cassin's Kingbird at White Mountain Research Station, Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 5/10/01
green-tailed towhee in Greengate cottonwoods D.Parker 5/9/01
Owens Valley & Long Valley Birds, May 5 Cerro Coso Community College ID of Calif. Wildlife Class 5/9/01
Black Headed Grosbeaks - Wilson's Warbler Marge Evans 5/8/01
green black and white sparrow sized bird cathleen, helen 5/7/01
Re: green black and white sparrow sized bird Chris Howard 5/7/01
American Avocets in Eureka Valley Eric and Lori Beck 5/7/01
Re: American Avocets in Eureka Valley C. Lynch 5/7/01
Cinco de Mayo Bird Wickman, Prather 5/7/01
Franklin's gulls at Cartago pond N. Prather, L. Kirk, & C. Gann 5/7/01
500 Wilson's Phalarope @ Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 5/4/01
Chats back in Birchim Canyon Chris Howard 5/4/01
myrtle warbler steve brad 5/4/01
Warblers and Flycatchers Noah Hamm 5/2/01
scissor-tailed flycatcher  4/27 Bob Maurer 5/2/01
evening grossbeak steve brad 5/2/01
Black-bellied plovers Bob Maurer 5/1/01
Upcoming Baker Creek Field Trip - Saturday May 5th Chris Howard 5/1/01
A couple Hermit Warblers Chris Howard 5/1/01
Red bird Andrew Kirk 4/25/01
Solitary Sandpiper D House 4/24/01
Bishop Sewer Ponds are hopping again Chris Howard 4/24/01
White-Faced Ibis and Swallows Eliot Gann 4/23/01
Black-throated Sparrows Jerry Zatorski 4/23/01
Owens Lake Earth Day Wickman 4/22/01
misc at Tinemaha Res and Cottonwood Marsh Tom Heindel & Bob Maurer, Jr. 4/19/01
Harris's Sparrow Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 4/19/01
Western Tanager in Independence Andrew & Leah Kirk 4/18/01
Nashville and Orange-crowned Warbler, Fox Sparrow, Swainsons Thrus Debbie House 4/17/01
Waterbirds Tom Heindel 4/15/01
Ruby-crowned Kinglet pics Larry Blakely 4/15/01
Numenius spp. Leah and Andrew Kirk 4/14/01
Brewer's Sparrow Debbie House 4/13/01
Spotted Sandpiper Tom Heindel 4/13/01
Osprey Eric and Lori Beck 4/11/01
Herring Gull and Cattle Egret Bob Maurer & Jim Parker 4/9/01
Cassin's Vireo today in Greengate Cots off of Dixon D.Parker 4/9/01
San Bernardino Valley Audubon Field Trip San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society 4/8/01
Six Swallow Species, Red-breasted Mergs at Nik&Nik Chris Howard 4/8/01
Gray-crowned rosy-finches C.Gann 4/8/01
Rufous Hummingbird - 4/3,4 Marge Evans 4/6/01
Downey woodpeckers, male and female 4/5 Marge Evans 4/6/01
Rufous Hummingbird - 4/7 Marge Evans 4/6/01
Hooded Oriole-3/28 Marge Evans 4/6/01
Barn Owl-4/2 Marge Evans 4/6/01
Four-letter Bird Codes Chris Howard 4/6/01
Cattle Egrets over Meadowcreek, Bishop Chris Howard 4/6/01
Bullock's Oriole in Greengate Cots (north side Dixon Ln neat Brockman) D.Parker 4/6/01
Plovers, etc at Crowley steve brad 4/5/01
Hooded Mergs at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 4/5/01
Common Yellowthroat today in Finkbeiner Forest D.Parker 4/4/01
Selasphorus hummingbird male Bea Cooley 4/4/01
Chipping & Black-throated Sparrows;  Mytle Warbler D.Parker 4/3/01
plover, stilt & gnatcatcher Tom Heindel 4/3/01
Re: plover, stilt & gnatcatcher steve brad 4/5/01
Swainson's Hawk N. Hamm, E. Shafto 4/2/01
Bullock's Oriole & Calliope Hummers Tom & Jo Heindel 4/2/01
PRBO Wickman 4/2/01
Owens Lake Adenda Wickman 4/2/01
Owens Lake Loop Wickman, Prather, Hudson 4/2/01
Burrowing Owls A. Kirk 3/31/01
Fish Eagle(s?) Andrew Kirk 3/30/01
Black-chinned Hummingbird Tom & Jo Heindel 3/29/01
Early Ibis in Bishop? Rosie Beach Howard 3/28/01
Black-bellied Plovers & Caspian Terns Tom Heindel 3/28/01
North Haiwee,  Sage Flat, Birchim & Paradise J & D Parker 3/27/01
Update on Crowley Lake Sage Grouse Lek Bill and Kathleen Principe 3/26/01
Hooded Oriole Bob Hudson 3/25/01
Hooded Oriole Tom & Jo Heindel 3/23/01
Roadrunner romance Judy Wickman 3/23/01
Rufous Hummingbird Tom & Jo Heindel 3/22/01
Winter Wren Debbie House 3/21/01
Tom and Jo's China Ranch Trip Owens Valley Bird Study Group 3/20/01
Ash-throated Flycatcher Wickman 3/20/01
death valley loop dan guthrie 3/15/01
Clark's Grebe and Costa's Humr Tom Heindel 3/13/01
Black Rosy-Finch missed Roger Linfield and Jon Feenstra 3/13/01
1000 Pelicans over Bishop Chris Howard 3/12/01
Barrow's Goldeneye Update The Pleasant Valley Bird Trip particpants 3/12/01
Greater White-fronted Geese J. Zatorski 3/12/01
Western Bluebirds Jim & Debby Parker 3/11/01
Anna's Hummingbird Andrew Kirk 3/9/01
egret, grebe & sparrow Tom Heindel 3/9/01
Re: Goodies from the Sewer Ponds Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 3/7/01
Goodies from the Sewer Ponds Tom Heindel & Jim Parker 3/7/01
Ross's Geese and Western Bluebirds Noah Hamm & Erin Shafto 3/5/01
RE: Yellow-headed Blackbird Wickman 3/5/01
Yellow-headed Blackbird Shawn Morrison 3/4/01
White-throated Swifts Leah and Andrew Kirk,  Derham Giuliani 3/3/01
American White Pelicans Phill and Arnie Kiddoo 3/3/01
Tundra Swans Andrew and Leah Kirk, Robert Hudson 2/25/01
Harris Sparrow Vernon & Andrew Howe 2/24/01
Teal, Eagles and Bobcat Tom & Jo Heindel 2/24/01
Black Rosy-Finch, Lapland Longspur, Don Roberson 2/24/01
White Pelicans-FOS Tom Heindel 2/23/01
Annual USFWS Bald Eagle Survey results from Jan 12 Local Govt. agencies, LADWP, Audubon members & raptor watchers 2/22/01
TV in Hammil Valley around 10 am Sat. Feb 17th J & D Parker 2/20/01
Furnace Creek Summary Chris Howard and Rosie Beach, et al. 2/19/01
Turkey Vulture in Bishop Bea Cooley 2/19/01
Turkey Vulture in Independence Andrew Kirk 2/19/01
Turkey Vulture in Lone Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 2/18/01
Black-Rosy-Finch Mike San Miguel and Bruce Broadbooks 2/16/01
Rosy-Finches (2) at our place Larry and Ruth Blakely 2/14/01
Weather report-Snow in Bishop Parkers 2/13/01
Snow bunting and Lapland Longspur Mono County Debbie House and Chris Brady 2/13/01
Intergrades correction Tom & Jo Heindel 2/11/01
Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur Debbie House 2/11/01
w-w ju still present in Bishop area D.Parker 2/10/01
Intergrades Tom & Jo Heindel 2/10/01
Cedar waxwings Eliot Gann 2/9/01
Possible Northern Flicker Intergrade Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 2/9/01
Northern Shrike Debbie House 2/8/01
Tundra Swans Jack & Pat Crowther 2/7/01
Bald Eagle @ Pleasant Valley Res. Jerry Zatorski 2/4/01
Harris's Sparrow in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 2/4/01
turkey vulture, bald eagle, and more cindy kamler 2/3/01
Ducks at Pleasant Valley Res. Mason Begley 2/2/01
American dipper C.Gann 1/31/01
Barrow's and Gr. Scaup seen 1/30 Chris Howard 1/30/01
Barrow's Goldeneyes again J & D Parker 1/28/01
Gray-crowned rosy-finches Eliot & Carolyn Gann 1/28/01
Gray-crowned Rosy Finches Debbie House 1/27/01
Barrow's goldeneye male & female/Pleasant Valley Res. Noah Hamm 1/27/01
Warblers at Bishop City Park Chris Howard 1/25/01
Cinnamon teal at Farmers Pond 1/23 D.Parker 1/23/01
Long-tailed duck at Klondike Lake Parkers/Heindels 1/21/01
Male Anna's Hummingbird in North Wilkerson Larry Blakely 1/17/01
Gray-crowned Rosy-finch flock Noah Hamm 1/17/01
Great Egret at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 1/15/01
Gray Crowned Rosy Finches Ruth Blakely 1/13/01
Bald Eagle Survey-Pleasant Valley Res. and Round Valley Parkers and Noah Hamm 1/12/01
Eagle Survey Bob Hudson, Judy Wickman 1/12/01
winter wren again in Marble Canyon Jan 8 Parker and Hamm 1/8/01
Barrow's goldeneye Tom Wurster, Eliot and Carolyn Gann 1/7/01
Common Loon and goldeneyes J & D Parker 1/7/01
Barrow's Goldeneye @ Pleasant Valley Res. Jerry Zatorski 1/6/01
White-winged Junco still present Jan 4, same area as originally found. Debby Parker, Dave Marquart  and John Finkbeiner 1/4/01
eagles & grebe Tom & Jo Heindel 1/3/01
New format - fewer ads Chris Howard 1/1/01

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