Bird Sighting Archives 2000
Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal hybrid at BSP
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 6/26/00
- Re:
Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal hybrid at BSP
Tom & Jo Heindel 6/27/00
- Juvenile
Bronzed Cowbird John Finkbeiner 6/26/00
- Re:
Juvenile Bronzed Cowbird Tom & Jo Heindel 6/26/00
- Snowy Plovers
(SNPL) and Avocets (AMAV) and Wilsons Phalaropes (WIPH) Mike
Prather 6/26/00
- Common
moorhen at Bishop sewer ponds
C.Gann 6/25/00
- White duck at
BSP Tom & Jo Heindel 6/16/00
- Wood Duck
Bartshe Miller 6/14/00
- Hooded Oriole
Chuck & Donna Braker 6/13/00
- Avocets
Dan McConnell 6/12/00
- Re:
Avocets Chris Howard 6/12/00
- Zach Smith
Kestrel Banding Photos
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 6/11/00
- re pair of
peregrine falcons 6/9/00
- pair of
peregrine falcons at Cartago
Dan Fenske 6/9/00
- smelly birds
and kestrels- 8 june
zach smith 6/8/00
- Partial
Albino Bufflehead @ Bishop Sewer Ponds
John Finkbeiner 6/6/00
- Black Swifts
up Horton Creek this morning (June 6) D & J Parker 6/6/00
- Masked
Lovebird in backyard - Responds to "Polly" Chris Howard and Rosie
Beach 6/5/00
- Bridgeport
birds Kristie Nelson (via Tom & Jo Heindel) 6/5/00
- Wyman Canyon
- Sunday 4 June Chris Howard 6/5/00
- Orchard
Oriole Tom & Jo Heindel 6/4/00
- Brant
Tom & Jo Heindel 6/3/00
- Re: Brant
Bartshe Miller 6/4/00
- Rose-breasted
Grosbeak & Franklin's Gull
Tom & Jo Heindel 6/2/00
- Least Bittern
John Finkbeiner 5/30/00
- Upland
Sandpiper Kristie Nelson (via Tom & Jo Heindel) 5/30/00
- Eastern Inyo
Bird Sightings Michael J. San Miguel, Jr. 5/29/00
- Eastern Inyo
Bird Sightings Michael J. San Miguel, Jr. 5/29/00
- Eastern
Kingbird Tom & Jo Heindel 5/29/00
- Two
Phainopeplas and a gray fox in Birchim this morning J & D Parker
Chestnut-sided Warbler at Benton Hot Springs
D & J Parker 5/28/00
- Death Valley
goodies Tom & Jo Heindel 5/23/00
- Common
Nighthawk Leah and Andrew Kirk 5/22/00
- Grandview
Campground Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 5/22/00
- Franklin's
Gull and albino Bufflehead
Tom & Jo Heindel 5/21/00
- Summer
Tanagers & an UFO Oporornis
Tom & Jo Heindel 5/21/00
- Sanderling &
Lesser Goldfinch, black-backed Tom & Jo 5/21/00
- Bobolink
Leah and Andrew Kirk 5/20/00
- Peregrine
Falcon, eleven Snowy Plover at Delta; Burrowing Owl still at Ash Creek
Judy Wickman, Bob Hudson, Mike Prather 5/20/00
- Rose-breasted
Grosbeak Debby Parker & friend Bonnie 5/19/00
- Night Hawk
and Green Heron @ Bishop creek canal N. Hamm 5/19/00
- Long billed
Curlews Jack & Pat Crowther 5/18/00
Black-and-white Warbler Tom & Jo Heindel 5/17/00
- Summer
Tanager in Bishop N. Hamm 5/17/00
- Indigo
Bunting at Green Gate Cottonwoods this morning Debby Parker 5/16/00
- Re:
Indigo Bunting at Green Gate Cottonwoods this morning Chris and
Rosie 5/16/00
- vaux's swift
n. hamm 5/16/00
- lazuli
buntings and blue grosbeaks
Bea Cooley 5/15/00
- Ruddy
Turnstone Tom & Jo Heindel 5/15/00
- three birds
pete anderson ite nitmoi @ aol .com 5/14/00
- Phainopepla
Andrew Kirk 5/11/00
- Brant at Nik
& Nik Ponds Tom & Jo Heindel 5/11/00
- Swainson's
Thrushes Tom & Jo Heindel 5/10/00
- Summer
Tanager & Black-and-white Warbler
Chris McCready (via Heindel) 5/10/00
- Bright Yellow
Bird P. Timmer 5/10/00
- Re:
Bright Yellow Bird Debby Parker 5/11/00
- 200 Wilson's
Warblers & MacGillivray's Warbler today J & D Parker 5/7/00
- Comments re
Tricolored Blackbirds
Tom & Jo Heindel 5/7/00
- Rarities &
records in April Tom & Jo Heindel 5/7/00
- Black Tern at
Bishop Sewer Ponds
Chris Howard 5/3/00
- Birds Seen At
Coso Junction Joe Fuhrman 5/1/00
April 22 Mono Lake Shorebird/Waterfowl count Bartshe Miller 5/1/00
- The Hunt
Noah Hamm 5/1/00
- Wilson's
Phalarope and Eared Greeb @ Bis, sw pds Jerry Zatorski 4/30/00
- Re:
Wilson's Phalarope and Eared Greeb @ Bis, sw pds Jerry Zatorski
- Re:
Wilson's Phalarope and Eared Greeb @ Bis, sw pds Jerry
Zatorski 4/30/00
- Male
Townsend's Warbler, Division Creek
Larry & Ruth Blakely 4/29/00
- Myrtle
Warblers , Merlin - Owen's Lake
zach smith 4/27/00
- Bishop Sewer
Ponds Noah Hamm 4/26/00
- New Birds at
Nik & Nik's John Finkbeiner 4/25/00
- Lark Sparrow
Noah Hamm 4/25/00
- Virginia's
Warbler Jerry Zatorski 4/25/00
- Burrowing Owl
in Redding Canyon
Noah Hamm 4/24/00
- Bank Swallow
J. Fuhrman 4/24/00
- Re: Bank
Swallow Chris Howard 4/24/00
- Purple Martin
Andrew and Leah Kirk, Bob Hudson 4/23/00
- Lewis'
Woodpecker near Independence
Leah Kirk 4/23/00
- Burrowing Owl
at Ash Creek Judy Wickman, Mike Prather, Bob Hudson 4/21/00
- 2 Franklin's
Gulls at Bishop Sewer Ponds
Chris Howard 4/21/00
First-of-spring Lazuli Bunting - Bishop
Chris Howard 4/21/00
- Wilson's
Warbler Noah Hamm 4/20/00
- Update on
Sewer Pond Sightings
JJohn Finkbeiner 4/20/00
- Re:
Update on Sewer Pond Sightings
John Finkbeiner 5/12/00
- Semi-pal
plovers at Farmer's Pond
C. Gann 4/19/00
- Cattle
Egrets, Whimbrels, B/b Plover
Leah and Andrew Kirk 4/19/00
- Merlin
independence; Swainson's Hawk congregation Fish Spring Zach
Smith 4/19/00
- Vaux's Swift
at Birchim Cyn. Zach Smith 4/19/00
- Yellow-headed
Blackbirds & Long-billed Dowitcher Jerry Zatorski 4/18/00
- White-faced
Ibis Jerry Zatorski 4/18/00
- Common
Moorhen, Spotted Sandpiper, Willet at BSP Noah Hamm 4/18/00
- Farmer's
Ponds is Hopping Chris Howard 4/18/00
- Blue
Grosbeak...back already!?
Chris Howard 4/18/00
- Beaucoup
Backyard Birds Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 4/18/00
- Sewer ponds
update Noah Hamm 4/18/00
- Yellow-headed
and tri-colored blackbirds
Troy Kelly 4/17/00
- Re:
Yellow-headed and tri-colored blackbirds
Chris Howard 4/17/00
- Re:
Yellow-headed and tri-colored blackbirds
Troy Kelly 4/18/00
- Western
sandpipers ???? Jack & Pat Crowther & Alex & Jacob Poirier 4/17/00
- Western
Tanager Leah Kirk 4/16/00
- Franklin's
Gull, Vaux's Swift, Bullock's Oriole, Bank Swallow Noah Hamm
- Burrowing
Owls, Lesser Nighthawk
Leah and Andrew Kirk 4/15/00
- Heerman's
Gull & Broad-winged Hawk at Death Valley Tom & Jo Heindel 4/14/00
- Least Bittern
Andrew Kirk 4/14/00
- Common Loon,
Long-billed Curlew, Swainson's Hawk Noah Hamm 4/13/00
- New birds @
Sewer Ponds and Nik & Nik's
John Finkbeiner 4/12/00
- Article 110
golden-crowned sparrow new yard bird for Parkers D.Parker 4/12/00
- black-chinned
hummingbird in Bishop
D.Parker 4/12/00
- Bank Swallows
in Bishop Steve Sosensky 4/11/00
- White-faced
Ibis near Independence
Leah Kirk 4/11/00
- Cattle Egret
at the Elk Spot on April 9
Judy Wickman, Mike Prather, Bob Hudson 4/11/00
- western
kingbird today in F.F. west of Brockman D.Parker 4/10/00
- Snowy Egrets,
Bullock's & Hooded Orioles near Independence Leah Kirk 4/10/00
- Great Horned
Owl with owlets etc.
Noah hamm 4/10/00
- Re: Great
Horned Owl with owlets etc. 4/16/00
D & M Vocelka 4/16/00
- Two whimbrel
at the delta Judy Wickman, Mike Prather, Bob Hudson 4/10/00
- gray
flycatcher, blue-gray gnatcatcher, fox sparrow, calliope hummer &
black-throated sparrow J & D Parker and group that met at Birchim
Canyon this morning 4/9/00
- Re: gray
flycatcher, blue-gray gnatcatcher, fox sparrow, calliope...
Parker 4/9/00
- Hummer, vireo
& wren arrivals
Tom & Jo Heindel 4/7/00
- Swainson's
Hawk, Chipping Sparrow, Snowy Egret Chris Howard and Rosie
Beach 4/6/00
- Wood Ducks
Troy Kelly & Debra Hawk 4/5/00
- Costa's
Hummingbird Rocking K Debby Parker for Ferrells 4/3/00
- possible
greater-scaup at new Nik & nik ponds, also 3 black-necked stilts
Debby Parker, John Finkbeiner 4/3/00
- Greater
Scaup, confimed Chris Howard 4/5/00
- Loggerhead
Shrike and Sand Hill Cranes
Jim Parks 4/3/00
- Three
Whimbrel at Cartago Judy Wickman, Mike Prather 4/2/00
- Marbled
Godwit at Cottonwood Ponds
Judy Wickman, Mike Prather, Richard Potashin 4/2/00
- Pair of
Peregrine Falcon at Cartago
Judy Wickman, Mike Prather 4/2/00
- Curlews,
Lewis' Woodpecker Andrew Kirk 4/2/00
- Hybrid Duck @
Farmer's Pond John Finkbeiner 3/31/00
- 25
Yellow-headed Blackbirds flying over Bishop
Chris Howard 3/31/00
- Hermit Thrush
in Round Valley
D.Parker for Bonnie Fanti 3/31/00
- Hooded Oriole
at Rocking K again today
Debby Parker for Bonnie Fanti 3/29/00
- Lesser
Yellowlegs @ Farmer's Pond
John Finkbeiner 3/29/00
- Short-Eared
owl ------ barking!!! 3-27-00
Derrick Vocelka 3/28/00
- House Wren in
Birchim Canyon this morning
Jim and Debby Parker 3/26/00
- Plovers,
Kingbird & Hummer in OV
Tom & Jo Heindel 3/25/00
- Hooded Oriole
& Rufous Hummingbird yesterday in Rocking K Debby Parker for Bonnie
Fanti 3/24/00
- Osprey &
Common Yellowthroat plus
Tom & Jo Heindel 3/24/00
- Mirrors and
Mantles Chris Howard 3/24/00
- Long-billed
Curlew ? at BSP
N. Hamm 3/22/00
- Black-chinned
Hummingbird N. Hamm 3/21/00
- Re:
Black-chinned Hummingbird N. Hamm 3/23/00
- Brockman Kite
Continues... Chris Howard 3/21/00
- Costa's
Hummingbird Ruth and Larry Blakely 3/20/00
- Cormorants
flying north N. Hamm 3/17/00
- Prairie
Falcon eating a duck at Farmer's Ponds
Chris Howard 3/17/00
- Cattle Egret
3-16-00 Derrick V. 3/16/00
- Ross's Geese,
Cooing Roadrunner at BSP
N. Hamm 3/15/00
- Merlin in
Bishop Noah Hamm 3/14/00
- Lawrence's
Goldfinch at Bishop thistle feeder this morning Debby Parker
- White-tailed
Kite, White-throated Swifts
Noah Hamm 3/13/00
- Violet-green
Swallows, Aqueduct @ Black Rock Fish Hat. Jerry Zatorski 3/10/00
Red-shouldered Hawk eating a frog
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 3/10/00
- Re:
Red-shouldered Hawk eating a frog
Andrew Kirk 3/11/00
- Re:
Red-shouldered Hawk eating a frog
Chris Howard 3/13/00
- Cassin's
Finch and Golden Eagle
Larry and Ruth Blakely 3/10/00
- RFI: Sage
Grouse Lek at Crowley Lake? 3/8/00
- Re: RFI:
Sage Grouse Lek at Crowley Lake?
Chris Howard ( 3/9/00
- White
Pelicans Noah Hamm 3/7/00
- Avocets and
Lesser Yellowlegs Jack & Pat Crowther 3/7/00
- Re:
Avocets and Lesser Yellowlegs
Tom & Jo Heindel 3/7/00
- mountain and
western bluebirds
Steven Bourelle 3/1/00
- Kite,
cormorant & eagle near Big Pine 2/26/00 Tom & Jo Heindel 2/27/00
- Black-Crowned
Night-Heron, Bald Eagle 2-24-00
D. Vocelka 2/24/00
- Grebe, Egret,
Eagle in Bishop Tom & Jo Heindel 2/24/00
- White
Pelicans 2-24-00 D Vocelka 2/24/00
- Re: White
Pelicans 2-24-00 Phill Kiddoo, Noah Hamm, Greg Foote 2/24/00
- Great Egret,
Short-eared Owl, Kite
D. Vocelka 2/22/00
- Really good
birds at Death Valley - 2/20/00
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 2/22/00
- Snowy
Egret clarification Chris Howard 2/22/00
Interesting Death Valley Addendum: Emu
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 2/22/00
- White Pelican
returns - 2/17/00 Tom & Jo Heindel 2/22/00
- Re: White
Pelican returns - 2/20/00
Derrick Vocelka 2/22/00
- Re: White
Pelican returns - 2/17/00 2/22/00
- DeChambeau
birds - 2/17/00 Bartshe Miller 2/22/00
- More Early
Spring Birds - 2/14/00
John Finkbeiner 2/22/00
- Short-eared
Owl at Brockman Lane, Bishop - 2/12 - 2/13 Chris Howard 2/22/00
- Two
White-tailed Kites and a Greater Yellowlegs! Tom & Jo Heindel
- Re: Two
White-tailed Kites and a Greater Yellowlegs! - 2/12/00 Derrick
Vocelka 2/22/00
- Bald Eagle
over Round Valley - 2/10/00
Cooley and Washburn 2/22/00
- Snowy Egret -
2/10/00 Phill Kiddoo 2/22/00
- Re: Snowy
Egret - 2/10/00 Tom & Jo Heindel 2/22/00
- mountain
bluebirds - 2/9/00 Mim Romero 2/22/00
- Western
Bluebirds - 2/9/00 Tom & Jo Heindel 2/22/00
- white-tailed
kite- Woodlands today in Bishop - 2/9/00 Debby Parker 2/22/00
- Re:
white-tailed kite- more directions
Debby Parker 2/22/00
- Mature Bald
Eagle over Bishop - 2/8/00
Ruth Blakely 2/22/00
- white-chested
blackbird - 2/4/00
zach smith 2/22/00
- Rosy-Finches,
etc. at Aspendell - 2/1/00
Chris Howard 2/22/00
- one more Sage
Thrasher, on 27 Jan
Zach Smith 2/22/00
- Sage
Thrashers - 1/30/00 2/22/00
- Re: Sage
Thrashers - 1/30/00 2/22/00
- Mountain
Bluebirds along Owens River - 1/29/00
Jerry Zatorski 2/22/00
- Lawrence's
Goldfinch - 1/29/00
Sharon Lea Wright, Bishop 2/22/00
- Re:
Lawrence's Goldfinch - 1/29/00
Jim & Debby Parker 2/22/00
- White-tailed
Kite - 1/29/00 Tom & Jo Heindel 2/22/00
- Turkey
Vulture - 1/27/00 Larry and Ruth Blakely 2/22/00
- Re:
Turkey Vulture - 1/27/00 Larry and Ruth 2/22/00
Golden Eagles in the Buttermilks - 1/26/00
Zach Smith 2/22/00
- Interesting
winter records - 1/26/00
Tom and Jo Heindel 2/22/00
- Pine Siskins
- 1/25/00 Larry Blakely 2/22/00
- Bishop Creek
Canal Woodpeckers and more - 1/23/00 Jerry Zatorski 2/22/00
- Re:
Bishop Creek Canal Woodpeckers and more - 1/26/00 Tom & Jo
Heindel 2/22/00
- Re:
Bishop Creek Canal Woodpeckers and more - 1/29/00 Jerry
Zatorski 2/22/00
- Slate-colored
and pink-sided juncos at Pine Creek - 1/22/00 Jim and Debby Parker
- Sage Grouse -
1/20/00 Bartshe Miller 2/22/00
- First Spring
Bird - 1/14/00 John Finkbeiner 2/22/00
- 100-200
American Pipits (?) near Convict Lake - 1/10/00 Greg Reis 2/22/00
- Pleasant
Valley Res. was hot Saturday the 8th.
Jerry Zatorski 2/22/00
- Inyo County
(1-2/3-2000) - 1/6/00
Mike Feighner 2/22/00
- Re: Inyo
County (1-2/3-2000) - 1/6/00 2/22/00
- More Horned
Larks 2/22/00
- Wood Ducks at
Bishop City Park - 1/3/00
Karen 2/22/00
- Re: Wood
Ducks at Bishop City Park - 1/3/00
Tom & Jo Heindel 2/22/00
- Scrub &
Pinyon Jays, Golden-crowned Spars. - 1/3/00 Jim & Debby
Parker 2/22/00
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