Bird Sighting Archives 2003
Northern Shrike near Big Pine Tom Heindel 01/25/2004
Merlin in Bridgeport Matthew Toomey 01/18/2004
hairy, downy, and more, Big Pine Connie Spenger 01/18/2004
Yellow-phase House Finch Andy Zdon 01/17/2004
Barn Owl in Bishop area John Williams 01/14/2004
Feral Chickens? Owens River Eric Beck 01/13/2004
Ross's Goose Todd Vogel 01/10/2004
Bald Eagle survey highlights P.V. Reservoir/Round Valley J & D
Parkers 01/10/2004
Breakfast Spread of Sparrows: Harris's, Golden-crowned, Lincoln's, Song
Rosie and Chris Howard 01/10/2004
Eagle Survey Highlights, Tinnemaha/Lone Pine Wickman, Hudson
Short-eared owls (2-3) Chalfant Valley Jay Jensen 01/08/2004
Mono Lake CBC Results Mono Lake Allstars 01/08/2004
Re: Mono Lake CBC Results Chris McCreedy 01/08/2004
Ruddy Ground-dove in Bishop Jon Peterson (fide Chris Howard)
01/08/2004 (PHOTO)
Mourning Doves, Mustang Mesa andrew kirk 01/05/2004
Pair of Juniper Titmouse above Plant 4 today D & J Parker
Mourning Doves in Independence Wickman and Hudson 01/03/2004
Golden Eagle at Fish Slough Phill Kiddoo 01/01/2004
Birds in the Big Pine area Tom Heindel 12/30/2003
Partly-eared Bushtits at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch on road to Parker Lake Matthew Toomey
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches Matt Heindel fide T&J Heindel 12/29/2003
Orange-crowned Warbler, Lone Pine Wickman 12/29/2003
Juniper Titmouse at Twin lakes Matthew Toomey 12/28/2003
Western Grebes at Diaz Lake Wickman 12/28/2003
Bald Eagle at Tinnemaha Reservoir Andy Zdon 12/27/2003
barrows goldeneye female pleasant valley reservoir James Wilson and
Todd Vogel 12/26/2003 (PHOTOS)
Harris's Sparrow and Eurasian Collared-Doves in Bishop Chris Howard
and Rosie Beach 12/25/2003
Varied Thrush in Starlite Steve Holland 12/25/2003
Cattle Egret at Bishop Dump Andy Zdon 12/20/2003
Tinemaha Reservoir birds Tom Heindel 12/20/2003
Tinemaha reprise Todd Vogel, James and Kay Wilson, Mary Beth
Hennessy 12/18/2003
Tinemaha Reservoir Birds Tom Heindel 12/18/2003
Banded Red-shouldered Hawk in Bishop Chris Howard, Rosie Beach,
Bill Mitchel 12/17/2003
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 11/09/03 (and for the next 10 days) in my back yard
feeder and adjacent cedar trees. Nicole Schober 12/17/2003
Bishop CBC Results Chris Howard 12/17/2003 (PHOTOS)
Misidentified Peregrine - oops! Ken Wells 12/16/2003
Sandhill Crane still at Crowley Ken Wells 12/15/2003
Semipalmated Plover at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 12/13/2003
Horned Grebe at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 12/11/2003
Great Egret @ Bishop City Park J. Zatorski 12/10/2003
Tinemaha Reservoir goodies Tom Heindel 12/09/2003
Miller Mountain birds Andy Zdon 12/07/2003
Pacific-slope Flycatcher in Birchim again today J & D Parker
1 Violet-green Swallow, 6 Dec. 2003 at Diaz Lake. 112 Snow Geese at Cottonwood
Marshes, Owen Dry Lake, 6 Dec. 2003. Robert McKernan 12/07/2003
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 12/06/2003
The Benefits of cardboard recycling Jim Parker 12/06/2003
More hooded mergs L. Nahm and C. Gann 12/03/2003
American Bittern at Nik-n-Nik Andy Zdon 12/03/2003
Crowley Field Trip - CANCELLED Chris Howard 12/02/2003
Sewer pond ducks Todd Vogel and Chris Iversen 12/01/2003
Rough-legged Hawk, Mammoth Creek DHouse 12/01/2003
Black Throated Sparrows Tinnemaha James and Kay wilson 12/01/2003
Sandhill Crane at Crowley Lake Ken Wells 11/30/2003
loggerheded shrike scott king 11/29/2003
Bald Eagle at Bishop City Park flying over pond today Jim & Deb
Parker 11/27/2003
High Country Bald Eagle Report Ken Wells 11/25/2003
Swans at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 11/25/2003
Pacific Slope Flycatcher, Sooty Fox Sparrow & 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets at
Birchim today J & D Parker 11/22/2003
Weird Junco and 12 Tunra Swans River Gates and Leah Culp 11/22/2003
Re: Weird Junco and 12 Tunra Swans Debby Parker 11/25/2003
Male Lesser Goldfinch at Bishop Elemtery School found dead under a bush
Anamaria & Alejandro Sanchez 11/22/2003
Marbled Godwit at Bridgeport Reservoir Matthew Toomey 11/22/2003
Snow Goose at Mono Lake River Gates 11/20/2003
American White Pelicans over Bishop derrick 11/20/2003
High country Bald Eagle report Ken Wells 11/17/2003
Independence birds Andrew and Leah Kirk 11/16/2003
Horned Grebe and Sage Sparrow at Mono Lake Leah Culp 11/16/2003
Red-necked Grebe, Horned Grebe; Tinemaha Reservoir DHouse, J Dunn
Red-necked Grebe continues Chris Howard 11/17/2003
Summer Tanager; Rovana J Dunn fide D House 11/16/2003
Red-necked Grebe, Surf Scoters; Crowley Reservoir DHouse, J Dunn
White-throated Sparrow, Paradise DHouse 11/16/2003
Barrow's Goldeneyes at Death Valley Junction Tom & Jo Heindel
Oregon Juncos, Spotted Towhees at White Mtn Estates Andy Zdon
Varied Thrush at Mill Pond campground today Parkers 11/15/2003
Swamp and American Tree Sparrows on Mono Lake Leah Culp 11/14/2003
Common Grackle in Independence Wickman for Hudson 11/13/2003
White-throated Sparrow and Orange-crown Warbler at Bishop City Park today
D.Parker 11/13/2003
phalarope at Mill Pond today D.Parker 11/12/2003
Death Valley on 10 & 11 Nov Tom, Jo, & Kelli Heindel 11/12/2003
Close encounter with Kestral!, Hooded Merganser Andy Zdon
Sparrows and other Death Valley goodies Chris Howard and Rosie
Beach 11/11/2003 (PHOTO)
White-throated Sparrow, Round Valley, Nov 10 DHouse 11/10/2003
Ferrugenous hk, Prairie Falcon Gary and Karla Peebles 11/09/2003
Osprey at PVR S. Hetzler & J. Zatorski 11/09/2003
Goodies at Nik-n-Nik in Bishop Tom, Jo & Kelli Heindel 11/09/2003
Re: Goodies at Nik-n-Nik in Bishop J. Zatorski & S. Hetzler
Owens Lake Shallow Flood birds Wickman/Hudson 11/09/2003
Hammil Valley to Crowley Reservoir Debbie House, Chris Allen
Varied Thrush -Bishop- Meadow creek Mary and Derrick 11/07/2003
White-tailed Kite at Nik & Niks D.Parker 11/07/2003
misc birds near Big Pine Tom Heindel 11/07/2003
Cassin's Vireo and Tundra Swans near/on Mono Lake Leah Culp
Red-necked Phalarope at Wilson Creek Delta River Gates 11/06/2003
pacific loon nik and nik James Wilson and Todd Vogel 11/06/2003
Osprey and Red-breasted Mergansers, Rush Creek Delta River Gates
Herring Gull at Tinemaha Chris Howard 11/03/2003
American Tree Sparrow at Deep Springs Tom & Jo Heindeol 11/03/2003
diaz lake scott king 11/02/2003
Farmer's and Nik and Nik ponds Larry Nahm, Carolyn Gann 11/02/2003
Death Valley-Harris' Sparrow & others Sandy Koonce, Vernon and
Andrew Howe 11/02/2003
Sabine Gull(juv) and Marbled Godwit at Owens Lake (1Nov03) Mike
Prather 11/02/2003
Burrowing Owl, Western Bluebirds Leah and Andrew Kirk 11/01/2003
Hermit Thrushes at Sidehill Spring today, Swallows at Farmers Pond
D & J Parker 11/01/2003
Late and great birds near Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 11/01/2003
Marbled Godwit at Owens Lake (MANY birds!) Mike Prather & Bob
Hudson 10/31/2003
American Goldfinch are back J. Zatorski 10/31/2003
loon and scoter at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 10/30/2003
Western Bluebirds at Diaz Lake Mike Prather 10/30/2003
Cedar Waxwings at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 10/29/2003
Proto Warbler at Deep Springs Tom & Jo Heindel 10/28/2003
Crowley Lake yesterday sparkling blue lake in a golden setting.
D.Parker 10/26/2003
American Goldfinch in our yard today D.Parker 10/26/2003
5 gull species day including Lesser Black-backed Susan Steele
Cedar Waxwings at Bishop Fairgrounds Andy Zdon 10/25/2003
Lesser Black-backed Gull at Crowley Jon Dunn (fide Howard)
Lesser Black-backed Gull continues Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
10/23/2003 (PHOTOS)
american wigeon nancy overholtz & chris iversen 10/22/2003
Common Mergansers at Tenaya Lake Andy Zdon 10/21/2003
Lewis's & Acorn Woodpeckers in Lone Pine 10/19/03 Cheyenne
Laczek-Johnson 10/21/2003
Dunlin at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 10/20/2003
Catbird and Longspur at Deep Springs Howard and Beach; Bob and
Susan Steele 10/20/2003 (PHOTO)
Townsend's Warbler in Birchim today Parkers 10/18/2003
Nashville Warbler at Fish Slough today, Ruby-Crowned Kinglets
D.Parker 10/17/2003
Lee Vining Creek Delta and Bottomlands loveliness: Bonaparte's Gull, Cedar
Waxwings, Lincoln's Sparrow Sacha Heath 10/17/2003
Northern Waterthrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Mono Lake Andy Zdon
Early and late birds near Big Pine Tom Heindel 10/16/2003
Re: Early and late birds near Big Pine Chris McCreedy
Re: Early and late birds near Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel
Mazourka Canyon birds Andy Zdon 10/15/2003
White-throated sparrow in Birchim D.Parker 10/15/2003
Red Crossbill at Crestview Rest Area Troy Kelly 10/14/2003
More Death Valley birds Tom & Jo Heindel 10/14/2003
death valley trip dan guthrie 10/12/2003
Re: death valley trip dan guthrie 10/13/2003
Red-naped Sapsucker in Starlite Steve Holland 10/12/2003
Yellow-shafted Flicker at Rush Creek Delta Chris Howard and Rosie
Beach 10/11/2003
Re: Yellow-shafted Flicker at Rush Creek Delta Chris Howard and
Rosie Beach 10/13/2003
Yellow-shafted Flicker & Sabine's Gull near Big Pine Tom Heindel
prothonotary warbler Leah Culp 10/11/2003
Grasshopper Sparrow near Mono Lake Susan Steele fide Heindel
Re: Grasshopper Sparrow near Mono Lake Susan Steele 10/13/2003
17 ring-billed gulls Leah Culp 10/11/2003
B-B Plover at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 10/09/2003
SEVEN species of woodpecker near Edwards Field , Lone Pine Bob
Hudson & Mike Prather 10/09/2003
Re: SEVEN species of woodpecker near Edwards Field , Lone Pine
andrew kirk 10/09/2003
One Lesser Yellowlegs, 66 Long-billed Curlew & 1 Common Moorhen at Owens Lake
Mike Prather & Bob Hudson 10/08/2003
Amusing Flicker behavior in Chalfant Troy Kelly 10/06/2003
Northern Waterthrush at Haiwee Reservoir Tom & Jo Heindel
Canvasbacks & Western Grebe are back Tom Heindel 10/03/2003
Pinon Jays over the Alabama Hills Wickman 09/30/2003
Magnolia Warbler in Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 09/30/2003
I am a Pinyon Jay Chris McCreedy 09/28/2003
Eastern Sierra PRBO Bird-a-thon 2003! Leah Culp, River Gates, Sacha
Heath, Justin Hite, Chris McCreedy, Chris Tonra 09/26/2003
American Goldfinch, Spotted Towhee Andy Zdon 09/25/2003
- cross
bill, tit mouse
steve brad 09/22/03
- hilites of
Owen's Lake birds 9 21 Susan Steele 09/21/03
- Lewis'
Woodpecker - Wilkerson Larry & Ruth Blakely 09/21/03
- Red Knot
at Cottonwood Marsh (Owens lake) Mike Prather 09/20/03
- Re:
Red Knot at Cottonwood Marsh (Owens lake) Susan Steele fide
Heindel 09/21/03
- Deep
Springs birds
Jon Dunn, Tom & Jo Heindel 09/19/03
- Lewis's
Woodpecker and Mountain Chickadees in Greengate Cottonwoods N. of Dixon
D.Parker 09/19/03
- More
Bishop Mountain Chickadees DHouse 09/19/03
- Birds near
Big Pine
Tom & Jo Heindel 09/17/03
- Bewick's
Wrens and others Andy Zdon 09/17/03
- Hairy WP &
Scrub Jay E. of Big Pine J. Zatorski 09/16/03
- PiƱon Jays
at 14,000' on Mt. Whitney Todd Vogel 09/16/03
- Chimney
Swift(?) - Round Valley, 9/15/03 DHouse 09/15/03
Probable Lark Bunting east of Dixon on Look Out Hill & other sparrows
D. Parker 09/15/03
- Re:
Probable Lark Bunting east of Dixon on Look Out Hill & other ...
Andy Zdon 09/16/03
Terns and others at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 09/15/03
- Common Tern
at Nik-n-Nik Ponds Andy Zdon 09/13/03
- Northern
Waterthrush, North Haiwee Robert McKernan 09/12/03
- Goodies near
Big Pine
Tom Heindel 09/12/03
- Ferruginous
Hawk at Fish Springs Tom & Jo Heindel 09/12/03
- American
Redstart in Birchim Canyon Chris Howard 09/12/03
- Common
Poorwill, Independence Andrew and Leah Kirk 09/10/03
- Loggerhead
shrike in Chalfant Troy Kelly 09/08/03
- Painted
Bunting at Deep Springs Chris Howard 09/07/03 (PHOTOS)
- First PRBO
Fall Area Search Justin Hite, River Gates, Chris Tonra, and Leah
Culp 09/05/03
- Fall Mono
Lake Shorebird Census River Gates 09/05/03
- Cedar
Waxwings in Big Pine Jo Heindel 09/02/03
- Mammoth
Lakes birds 8/31/03 Kris Olson 09/01/03
- American
Redstart on Rush Creek (the best creek in the world) Chris McCreedy
- flock of 7
Clark's Nutcrackers at Greengate Cots/Dixon Ln today D.Parker
- Wilson's
Snipe, dowitchers, phoebes Andy Zdon 08/25/03
- Indigo
Bunting in Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 08/25/03
- Hunter
Mountain Spring Banding Tom & Jo Heindel 08/25/03
- Sabine's
Gull, Pectoral Sandpiper at Tinemaha Chris Howard 08/24/03
- Phainopepla
north of Laws
J. Zatorski 08/22/03
- Stilt
Sandpipers & Sanderling at Tinemaha Reservoir Jon Dunn & Tom & Jo
Heindel 08/21/03
- Painted
Bunting in Big Pine Jo Heindel 08/18/03
- Phainopepla,
Bullock's oriole, Western kingbird, House finch Troy Kelly and
Debra Hawk 08/17/03
- Semipalmated
Sandpiper at Bishop Sewer Ponds Parkers 08/16/03
- Tinemaha
Tom & Jo Heindel 08/15/03
- Hooded
Oriole at feeder last few days & sewer ponds update D.Parker
- Northern
Saw-whet Owl on Rush Creek Chris McCreedy 08/15/03
- Black-headed
grosbeak,White Mtn. Estates, Mono Cty. Andy Zdon 08/14/03
- Re:
Black-headed grosbeak,White Mtn. Estates, Mono Cty. Andy Zdon
- Leucistic
hummer, Independence Andrew and Leah Kirk 08/13/03
- Acorn
Kristie Nelson 08/13/03
- Loggerhead
Shrike, Says Phoebe Andy Zdon 08/12/03
- Willow
Chris McCreedy 08/09/03
- Re:
Willow Flycatchers Chris McCreedy 08/09/03
- Short-billed
dowitcher (juv.) at Bishop Sewer Ponds Jim & Debby 08/09/03
- American
White Pelicans
Todd Vogel 08/08/03
- Lucy's
Warbler at Bishop Sewer Ponds (dang!) Jim & Debby 08/07/03
- Wanted:
feeder filler, Independence Andrew and Leah Kirk 08/03/03
- Warbling
Vireo & 2 Western Tanagers at Greengate cots today D.Parker
- Eurasian
Collared-Doves in Dixon Lane area-corner of Valley View and Juniper St.
D.Parker 08/01/03
- Bishop
Sewage Ponds, Finkbeiner's Woods Jim Rowoth, Mark Elness, Margaret
Williams, Liz West 07/31/03
- Bushtit nest
in Birchim today D.Parker 07/29/03
Black-throated Gray Warbler today at Greengate Cottonwoods D.Parker
- Belted
Kingfisher, Bishop
Andrew Kirk 07/25/03
- Re:
Belted Kingfisher, Bishop Tom & Jo Heindel 07/26/03
- Re:
Belted Kingfisher, Bishop Andrew Kirk, Indy 07/27/03
- Red
Phalarope and Ruddy Turnstone - Mono Lake Debbie House 07/24/03
- Tinemaha
Tom Heindel 07/23/03
- Solitary
Sandpiper at Nik and Nik Ponds Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
- Shorebirds
at Owens Lake
Tom & Jo Heindel 07/20/03
- Phalaropes
River Gates and Sacha Heath 07/19/03
- Puzzling
hummingbird in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 07/19/03
- Re:
Puzzling hummingbird in Bishop Tom & Jo Heindel 07/20/03
- Re:
Puzzling hummingbird in Bishop Steve Howell via Sacha Heath
- American
Goldfinch at Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 07/19/03
- Black Terns
at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 07/16/03
- Hooded
Orioles at Blackrock J. Zatorski 07/11/03
Black-throated Sparrow status and question on Wild Rose Canyon Mark
Eaton 07/09/03
- Re:
Black-throated Sparrow status and question on Wild Rose Canyon
Chris McCreedy 07/13/03
- Various;
Bonaparte's Gull at Mono County Park Chris Rintoul and Kim Maute
- Re:
Various; Bonaparte's Gull at Mono County Park Debby Parker
- Common Loon
in July!
Tom Heindel 07/08/03
- bats
scott king 07/08/03
- Hummer Moth
Rick Satterlee 07/07/03
- Winter Wren
heard and seen at Pine Creek today Parkers 07/06/03
- Re:
Winter Wren heard and seen at Pine Creek today Rick Satterlee
- Clark's
Nutcracker/ Brown Headed Cowbird- Monitor Pass Rick Satterlee/
Gayle Hannon 07/05/03
- orange
crowned warbler
Rick Satterlee 07/05/03
- Bewick's
Rick Satterlee 07/03/03
- Green Tailed
Rick Satterlee 07/03/03
- Blue
Grosbeak fledgling at Marble Creek, Mono County Sacha Heath - PRBO
- Re: Blue
Grosbeak fledgling at Marble Creek, Mono County D.Parker
- Re:
Blue Grosbeak fledgling at Marble Creek, Mono County Chris
McCreedy 07/04/03
Re: Blue Grosbeak fledgling at Marble Creek, Mono County
Andy Zdon 07/14/03
- Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finch (Interior) Bill Mitchel 06/30/03
Black-throated Blue and Black and White Warblers at lower Mill Creek
River Gates 06/29/03
- Fall birds
are arriving
Tom Heindel 06/28/03
- western
sandpiper, Owens Lake Tracey Johnson, Aja Woodrow 06/27/03
- White-faced
Andy Zdon 06/27/03
- least
sandpiper, Owens Lake Aja Woodrow 06/26/03
- Re:
least sandpiper, Owens Lake Aja Woodrow 06/26/03
- Migrant
shorebirds at Mono Lake DHouse 06/24/03
- Williamson's
Sapsucker at Horseshoe Meadows Andy Zdon 06/24/03
- Re:
Williamson's Sapsucker at Horseshoe Meadows Todd Vogel, Chris
Iversen 07/02/03
- Rufous
Hummingbird in East Bishop J. Zatorksi 06/24/03
- western
tanager in old mammoth scott king 06/24/03
- American
Goldfinch in Bishop J. Zatorski 06/23/03
- Rufous
Hummingbird Bishop
Rosie Beach 06/22/03
- Red
Crossbills, Plumbeous Vireo, Mountain Bluebird Michael McQuerrey
- European
Goldfinch in Independence Wickman for Hudson 06/22/03
- Belted
Kingfisher, Oak Creek Leah and Andrew Kirk 06/21/03
Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Sanger Slough near Tinemaha Res Tom Heindel
- Bald Eagle
near Crowley
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 06/14/03
- Tinemaha
Reservoir birds
Tom Heindel 06/13/03
- snow goose
on Owens Lake
Aja Woodrow 06/12/03
- Wilson's
Phalaropes and White-faced Ibis Tom Heindel 06/11/03
- Eastern
Kingbird on Rush Creek Chris McCreedy 06/10/03
- Hooded
Oriole in Bishop
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 06/10/03
- Re:
Hooded Oriole in Bishop Tom & Jo Heindel 06/11/03
- Re:
Hooded Oriole in Bishop andrew and leah kirk 06/10/03
- Birchim
Canyon update
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 06/10/03
- Phainopepla
and Norther Parula on Rush Creek Chris Tonra 06/06/03
- Crowley Lake
K. Duvall 06/03/03
- American
Redstart @ Cartago & still the Northern Waterthrush at Haiwee
Parkers 05/31/03
- Ring-necked
Pheasant brood, Great Blue Heron chicks in Lone Pine Wickman
- cedar
waxwing/ Old mammoth rd. wells family 05/28/03
- Male and
Female Black Headed Grossbeak C.J. 05/28/03
- White-rumped
Sandpiper at Crowley Lake on 5/24 Bob Maurer 05/26/03
- hummer and
tanager at Tollhouse and Deep Springs Tom & Jo Heindel, Jon Dunn
- Common
Nighthawk, Willow Flycatcher DHouse 05/25/03
- Death Valley
5/24-E. King, etc. Vernon and Andrew Howe 05/25/03
- Winter Wren
heard singing up Pine Creek yesterday Parkers 05/25/03
- red
James and Rosanne Wilson 05/25/03
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Wilkerson, May 24, evening Ruth and Larry
Blakely 05/25/03
- Western Gull
and Northern Waterthrush Susan Steele 05/24/03 (PHOTOS)
Highlights: Mississippi Kite and more Chris Howard, Rosie Beach,
and Jon Dunn 05/23/03 (PHOTO)
- Western
Tanenger / Old mammoth road ken/C.J. Wells 05/22/03
- Franklin's
Gull on Owens Lake Miko Ruhlen 05/22/03
- black and
white warbler, rose br grosbeak dan guthrie 05/22/03
- Wood Duck on
Owens Lake
Tracey Johnson, Aja Woodrow, Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson 05/20/03
- Sandhill
Crane at Owens Lake Sondra Grimm and Miko Ruhlen 05/20/03
- Summer
Tanager & Black & White Warbler Greengate Cots this morning
D.Parker 05/19/03
- Mazourka
Canyon birds
J. Zatorksi 05/19/03
- Northern
Waterthrush @ North Haiwee Reservoir 5/18/03 Susan Steele 05/19/03
- Herring Gull
& Forster's Tern at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 05/18/03
- Marbled
Godwit - Bishop Sewer Ponds Jim Parker 05/16/03
Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 05/13/03
International Migratory Bird Weekend River Gates, Sacha Heath, Leah
Culp, Quresh Latif, Kiera Freeman 05/13/03
- Long-tailed
Duck back on Owens Lake Scot Ferguson 05/12/03
- Black Terns
Ken Wells 05/10/03
- Black-backed
Wagtail at Deep Springs College Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
- Wrentit at
Granite View, Long-tailed Duck at Diaz Lake Wickman 05/10/03
- Mew Gull
yesterday at Bishop City Park D.Parker 05/09/03 (PHOTOS)
- long-tailed
duck, Owens Lake Aja Woodrow, Cheyenne Lacsek-Johnson, Tracey
Johnson, Sondra Grimm 05/09/03
- Brant, and
other Mono hot stuff Kristie Nelson 05/08/03
- Swainson's
Thrush - Meadowcreek, Bishop Jim Parker 05/08/03
- Blue
Eric Beck 05/08/03
- Laurel Ponds
Ken Wells 05/08/03
- Virginia's
Warbler Dixon Bridge near Greengate at 5 PM Parkers 05/07/03
- Independence
Tom & Jo Heindel 05/07/03
- Cassin's
Vireos and White-throated Sparrow in Birchim Canyon Tom & Jo
Heindel 05/07/03
- Swamp
Sparrow seen briefly at Greengate Cots today D.Parker 05/07/03
- ~20
White-faced Ibises, Junction of Sierra and Home streets. Phill and
Brenda Kiddoo 05/07/03
- ross's goose
Aja Woodrow 05/06/03
- Black &
White Warbler 5 PM today Greengate Cots Parkers 05/06/03
- Black &
White Warbler continues Chris Howard 05/07/03
- Vaux's
J. Zatorski 05/05/03
- Vaux Swifts
Wickman 05/04/03
- Bell's Vireo
at Well's Meadow Mike O'Sullivan 05/03/03
Yellow-breasted Chats, Lazuli Buntings & Western Wood-Pewee Jim &
Debby Parker 05/03/03
- Varied
Thrush on Owens Lake Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson for Sondra Grimm
- interesting
vireo in Greengate Cots today D.Parker 05/02/03
- Olive-sided
Flycatchers & White-throated Sparrow D.Parker 05/02/03
White-throated Sparrow at Brockman Lane Chris Howard 05/01/03
- Brewer's
J. Zatorski 05/01/03
Golden-crowned Sparrow & Green-tailed Towhee at Birchim D. Parker
and B. Mitchel 04/29/03
- Re:
Golden-crowned Sparrow & Green-tailed Towhee at Birchim Parker
- Black Terns,
Bishop Sewer Ponds James Wilson, Chris Iversen, Nancy Overholtz,
Dory Cann 04/29/03
- Caspian &
Black Terns - Bishop Sewer Ponds Jim Parker 04/28/03
- Re:
Caspian & Black Terns - Bishop Sewer Ponds Jim Parker 04/28/03
- Hammond's
Flycatcher at end of Greengate Cots off of Dixon Ln Parkers
- Warbling
Vireo-Townsend's Warblers-Birchim Canyon Jim & Debby Parker
Knots and much
more Kristie Nelson 04/25/03
An Eight Warbler Morning, Wishing Well Bridge Chris Howard and
Rosie Beach 04/25/03
Re: An Eight Warbler Morning, Wishing Well Bridge D.Parker
Green Heron and Plumbeous Vireo Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Blue Grosbeak, Spotted SP, Short-billed Dows & Semipal Plovers at Bishop
sewer ponds Parkers, B.Mitchel, Toths 04/22/03
Spotted Sandpiper at Diaz Lake Wickman 04/21/03
Blue Grosbeak at Bishop Sewer Ponds Jim Parker 04/21/03
lawrence's goldfinch Aja Woodrow, Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson
Whimbrels, Independence Leah and Andrew Kirk 04/18/03
Re: Whimbrels, Independence Andrew Kirk 04/18/03
MacGillivray's Warbler behind house + streaming YRWAs Parkers
Chipping Sparrow, Tungsten Hills Rosie Beach and Chris Howard
Harris Sparrow, Great Blue Heron rookery in Lone Pine Wickman,
Hudson 04/16/03
4 First of Spring birds in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Plus: Western Tanager, Calliope Hummingbird, Wilson's Warbler, empid sp.
Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 04/16/03
Cassin's Vireo today at Greengate Cots D.Parker 04/14/03
Dusky Flycatcher Jim & Debby Parker 04/13/03
Black-throated Gray Warbler Jim & Debby Parker 04/12/03
Black-headed Grosbeak, Independence Andrew Kirk 04/10/03
Western Kingbird at Dixon Lane/Green-gate Cottonwoods Chris
Howard 04/10/03
Black-backed Woodpecker Steve Metildi, Roy Poucher, Lorelei
Metildi, Linda Nakamura 04/10/03
White - headed Woodpeckers Ken Wells 04/09/03
Evening Grosbeaks -- Mammoth Lakes Ken and Lynn Wells 04/09/03
Gray Flycatcher at Greengate cots & Western Kingbird Hwy 6
D.Parker 04/09/03
White-faced Ibis Jim & Debby Parker 04/08/03
Snowy Egrets & Yellow-headed Blackbird J. Zatorksi 04/08/03
Osprey Ed Cereda 04/06/03
Black-headed Grosbeak in Independence Wickman for Hudson 04/04/03
Yellow Warbler, House & Marsh Wren Tom & Jo Heindel 04/03/03
Red-necked Phalarope in breeding plumage at Owens Lake Cheyenne
Laczek-Johnson 04/03/03
Caspian Tern James Wilson and Todd Vogel 04/02/03
sanderling, black-bellied plover Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson, Aja
Woodrow, Sondra Grimm, Tracy Johnson 04/02/03
White pelicans at Tinemaha Reservoir Robbie & Bob Revel 04/01/03
Hooded Orioles at feeder today D.Parker 04/01/03
Least Bittern, Independence Andrew Kirk 03/29/03
Golden Plovers at Sulfate Well Wickman 03/27/03
Western Kingbird in Big Pine 3/26 Eliot Gann 03/27/03
Pacific Golden Plovers at Owens Lake Miko Ruhlen and Sondra Grimm
Wood Ducks & Copper's Hawk J. Zatorski 03/26/03
Swainson's hawks & ladderback at Cactus Flat Paul McFarland &
Yvette Garcia 03/24/03
Greater White-fronted Goose at Mono Lake County Park Chris
McCreedy 03/23/03
common yellowthroat, yellow-headed blackbird Aja Woodrow 03/23/03
Black-bellied Plover, Sanderling, Baird's Sandpiper, Black-necked Stilt at
Owens Lake Miko Ruhlen, Tracey Johnson, Aja Woodrow 03/23/03
Flock of American White Pelicans over Owens Lake Cheyenne
Laczek-Johnson, Sondra Grimm 03/23/03
LeConte's Thrashers a pair SE of Laws & LB Dowitchers @ Nik & Niks
Jim and Deb Parker 03/22/03
Darwin Falls birds Miko Ruhlen and Aja Woodrow 03/22/03
Roadrunner Love Calls in Lone Pine Wickman 03/22/03
Red-naped Sapsucker in Mono City Heidi Hopkins and Chris McCreedy
Turkey Vulture in the Mono Basin Chris McCreedy 03/20/03
Ash-throated Flycatcher in Lone Pine Wickman 03/20/03
Gray-headed Junco in Independence Andrew Lirk 03/20/03
white-throated swifts, Lincoln sp. & golden-crowned kinglet in Birchim today
D.Parker & B.Mitchell 03/17/03
Baird's Sandpipers at Owens Lake Miko Ruhlen, Aja Woodrow, Sondra
Grimm, Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson, Tracey Johnson 03/17/03
Owl Prowl near Big Pine Heindels + a dozen others 03/17/03
Spring Has Sprung at Tinemaha Reservoir Jim & Debby Parker
Hummers, etc. near Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 03/16/03
Death Valley Birds include Lewis' Woodpecker and Wilson's Warbler
Aja Woodrow, Miko Ruhlen, Sondra Grimm, Tracey Johnson 03/15/03
Rufous Hummer, Independence leah kirk 03/15/03
Hooded mergs, white mtns also Kristie Nelson 03/13/03
Male Blackchinned Hummer at Starlite Rick Scott 03/13/03
Sanderling, Common Goldeneye at Owens Lake Wickman and Hudson
Costa's Hummer at Big Pine Jim & Debby Parker fide T&JHeindel
Mono Lake County Park Chris McCreedy 03/08/03
Violet-green Swallow; SunnySlope Charlotte Harbeson 03/08/03
Northern Flicker intergrade at Mono Lake County Park Chris
McCreedy 03/07/03
Bullock's Orioles in Independence Wickman for Hudson 03/07/03
Cattle Egret, WW Scoter, Avocet near Big Pine Tom Heindel
Sanderling among other shorebirds at Owens Lake Miko Ruhlen
Birder Access: Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 03/06/03
Lark Bunting found at Round Valley School today Jim and Deb
Parker 03/02/03
5 Turkey Vultures in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 03/01/03
Orange-crowned warbler our yard today D.Parker 02/28/03
Say's Phoebe lives! Chris McCreedy 02/27/03
Scoter, Pelicans, Merlin, and sparrow near Big Pine Tom & Jo
Heindel 02/25/03
43 Cedar Waxwings in Bishop Chris Howard 02/25/03
FOS Say's Phoebe Chris McCreedy 02/24/03
ducks James Wilson 02/24/03
Gray-headed Junco, Independence Leah and Andrew Kirk 02/23/03
California Thrasher & more at Sage Flat 2/22/03 Jim and Deb
Parker 02/22/03
Pleasant Valley Reservior FT J. Zatorski et. al. 02/22/03
Yellow-headed Blackbird in Big PIne Tom Heindel 02/22/03
Mono Lake County Park Chris McCreedy 02/20/03
Ducks at Dechambeau Ponds River Gates 02/18/03
Common Moorhen in Lone Pine Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson 02/18/03
Furnace Creek Trip Report Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 02/17/03
Varied Thrush, Oak Titmice - Independence Andrew and Leah Kirk
Acorn Woodpeckers, Independence Andrew and Leah Kirk 02/17/03
scoter and swallows at Tinemaha Tom Heindel 02/17/03
Nuttall's woodpecker at Owens Valley Lab, WMRS Joe Szewczak
Snipes James Wilson 02/14/03
Greater Yellowlegs at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 02/13/03
White-winged scoter at PVR J. Zatorski 02/11/03
Pelican and scoter at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 02/10/03
Re: Pelican and scoter at Tinemaha Reservoir Chris McCreedy
American Crow, FOS Red-winged Blackbird, others at Mono Lake County Park
Chris McCreedy 02/09/03
Unknown Blackbird?? Eric Beck 02/06/03
Great Egret persists at Bishop Creek J. Zatorksi 02/06/03
Rough-legged Hawk in Round Valley Chris Howard 02/04/03
Winter Wren, all three Nuthatches & Hairy Woodpecker up Pine Creek
Jim & Debby Parker 02/02/03
LeConte's Thrashers and other songsters near Blackrock Wickman,
Hudson 02/01/03
FOS Cinnamon Teal at Tinemaha Reservoir Chris Howard 01/31/03
Tree Swallows Debbie House 01/30/03
Anna's Hummingbird in Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 01/30/03
Cassin's Finches Storm Mono City Chris McCreedy 01/30/03
Spotted Towhees singing at Mono Lake Chris McCreedy 01/30/03
Spotted Towhees singing in Bishop too D.Parker 01/31/03
Barn Swallow at Mono City Krisitie Nelson and Chris McCreedy
Double-crested Cormorants at Diaz Lake Wickman 01/28/03
Juniper Titmouse & Cassin's Finches-Westguard Pass D.Parker,
B.Toth & B. Mitchell 01/27/03
PVR White-winged Scoter contines Chris Howard 01/27/03
marbled godwit @ Owen's Lake Susan Steele 01/26/03
Westgard Pass Birds today Jim and Debby Parker 01/25/03
Double-crested Cormorant at Diaz Lake Wickman 01/22/03
Northern Shrike north of Mono Lake Chris McCreedy 01/21/03
Pinyon Jays, Flicker yellow-shafted John Lockhart 01/21/03
Red Crossbill, Pine Siskin and Scrub Jay at Westguard Pass Jim
and Deb 01/18/03
spring song, Independence Andrew Kirk 01/18/03
Barn Swallow at Furnace Creek Ranch Chris Howard 01/17/03
misc. from near Big PIne Tom & Jo Heindel 01/16/03
bittern, eagle, scoter and cormorants near Big Pine Tom Heindel
Chestnut-collared Longspurs, Independence Leah and Andrew Kirk
Eagle Survey: Fish Slough and 5 bridges route Tom & Jo Heindel
Eagle Survey Pleasant Valley Res and Round Valley sparse Parkers
Eagle Survey Wickman, Hudson 01/10/03
Misc from near Big Pine Tom Heindel 01/09/03
Twin Lakes out of Bridgeport--Hooded Merganser and Ring Necked Duck
Rex and Linda Courtright 01/08/03
scoters James and Rosanne Wilson 01/08/03
Common Yellowthroat at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 01/08/03
Eastern Phoebe at BCC Tom & Jo Heindel, Jon Dunn 01/06/03
Mono Basin CBC! Mono Basin All-Stars 01/05/03
Re: Mono Basin CBC! River Gates 01/10/03
scoters at Pleasant Valley Reservoir Tom & Jo Heindel, Tom & Barb
Danielsen 01/04/03
Barn Owl at Co. Park River Gates 01/02/03
swans, Tinnemaha Andrew and Leah Kirk, Toni Bayer 01/01/03
Scoter-fest continues at Pleasant Valley Reservoir Chris Howard
Loon, scoter and eagle at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 12/28/02
loon & scoter at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom, Jo & Kelli Heindel
Tinemaha Reservoir Birds Tom Heindel 12/23/02
Anna's Hummingbird, Paradise, 12/22/02 D House 12/22/02
Crowley Short-eared Owls Howard, Beach, Zatorski 12/21/02
Duck & Eagle Tom Heindel 12/21/02
LeConte's Thrashers Andrew Kirk 12/20/02
Rough-legged Hawk and Bald Eagle, Round Valley, 12/20/02 Debbie
House 12/20/02
2 falcons yesterday west of Meadowcreek D.Parker 12/20/02
Barn Swallow yesterday behind my house in Meadowcreek D.Parker
Barn Swallow spent night in our garage Chris Howard and Rosie
Beach 12/18/02
Evening Grosbeak Larry and Ruth Blakely 12/16/02
Red-shouldered Hawk at Lee Vining Creek River Gates and Greg Reis
Bishop CBC results Chris Howard 12/15/02
Add Northern Shrike to Bishop CBC "Count Week" Chris Howard
Ross's Goose at Diaz Lake Wickman 12/14/02
Western Grebe at Diaz Lake Wickman 12/13/02
Barn Owl on Wilson Creek Chris McCreedy 12/13/02
Pink-sided Junco in Mono City Chris McCreedy and Sacha Heath
Swamp Sparrow maintains at Mono Lake County Park Chris McCreedy
Lesser Goldfinches in Mono City River Gates 12/11/02
Bishop Christmas Bird Count Info Chris Howard 12/10/02
Roadkill Barn Owl in Bishop banded in central valley Chris Howard
and Rosie Beach 12/09/02
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