Bird Sighting Archives 2004

Swamp Sparrow at Meadowcreek, Bishop Debby & Jim Parker 12/31/2004
Ross' Goose, Bishop andrew kirk 12/29/2004
white-headed woodpecker, Bishop andrew kirk 12/27/2004
Re: white-headed woodpecker, Bishop Andy Zdon 12/28/2004
Re: white-headed woodpecker, Bishop andrewkirk 12/28/2004
Herring Gulls at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 12/27/2004
Death Valley CBC Gerry Wolfe 12/27/2004
Merlin and Cooper's Hawk @ Bishop City Park Chris and Rosie Howard 12/25/2004
Cinnamon Teal at Bishop Sewer Ponds Tom, Jo, Matt, Kelli, & Ann Heindel 12/24/2004  (PHOTO)
Bald Eagle in Round Valley today Parkers 12/23/2004
Mono Lake CBC highlights many observers 12/21/2004 (PHOTO)
Dark Morph Rough-legged Hawk at Crowley Chris Allen 12/20/2004 (PHOTOS)
Bishop Christmas Bird Count 2004 – Preliminary Results Chris Howard 12/20/2004 (PHOTOS)
Northern Shrike - Mono Basin DHouse; C Allen 12/20/2004 (PHOTO)
sand hill crane, 1/2 mile south of Schober and Sunland jct. West of Sunland Rd. in field. Bob Hudson, Phoebe Nancy and Mike Prather 12/18/2004  (PHOTO)
Re: sand hill crane, 1/2 mile south of Schober and Sunland jct. W... Todd Vogel 12/21/2004
Costa Hummingbird in Bishop Chris Allen 12/18/2004  (PHOTOS)
White-headed Woodpecker today at Mustang Mesa Debby Parker 12/17/2004  (PHOTO)
Male White-headed Woodpecker at Bishop City Park Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson and Scot Ferguson 12/17/2004
Very cool stand-off between Shrike and Sharp-shinned Dori 12/17/2004
Re: Very cool stand-off between Shrike and Sharp-shinned Todd 12/17/2004
Rough-legged Hawks, Mono County John Green and Nathan Moorhatch 12/11/2004
Lawrence's Goldfinch still around at White Mountain Estates! Andy Zdon 12/11/2004
Re: Lawrence's Goldfinch still around at White Mountain Estates! Andy Zdon 12/22/2004
Re: Lawrence's Goldfinch still around at White Mountain Estates! Andy Zdon 12/28/2004
Orange-crowned Warblers and Mourning Doves in Bishop Chris Howard 12/09/2004
Rusty Blackbird continues Andy Zdon & Tom Heindel 12/07/2004
Cassin's finch , Sierra St., Bishop L. Nahm; C. Gann 12/06/2004
Tinemaha Reservoir hosts good birds Tom & Jo Heindel and others 12/06/2004
Rusty Blackbird at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom & Jo Heindel 12/05/2004  (PHOTO)
Re: Rusty Blackbird at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom & Jo Heindel 12/06/2004
Crowley Trip Report (4 Dec) 17 of us (fide Howards) 12/05/2004 (PHOTOS)
Mystery Bird in Lone PIne Wickman 12/02/2004
Harris's sparrow,Big Pine Dori Cann 12/01/2004
Hybrid Nuttall's X Ladder-backed Woodpecker Tom Heindel 11/30/2004
Prairie Merlin at Sunland alfalfa fields Chris Howard 11/30/2004
Canada Goose at Bishop City Park Tom & Jo Heindel 11/30/2004
Re: Canada Goose at Bishop City Park Tom Miko 11/30/2004
Harris' Sparrow, Vermillion Flycatcher continue matt Brady, David Vander Pluym, Daryl Coldren 11/30/2004
FCR birds David Armstrong 11/28/2004
Lawrence's Goldfinch today Friday at White Mt. Estates Deb & Jim Parker 11/26/2004 (PHOTOS)
Red Crossbills (14) again today in Rocking K Parkers 11/25/2004
Lawrence's Goldfinch at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 11/24/2004
Red Crossbill at Rocking K , Common Goldeneye at E. Line St. Canal, Long-billed Dow and Vermilion Fly SE of Bishop Sewer Ponds Today D. Parker, B.Mitchel & J. Dunn 11/23/2004
Ferruginous hawks - 14+, amazing! Kristie Nelson and Joel Ellis 11/22/2004
Avian cholera dieoff at Great Salt Lake Troy Kelly 11/22/2004
White-headed Woodpecker at Bishop Senior Center Andy Zdon 11/22/2004
Furnace creek birds November 21, 2004 Tom Wurster and Liga Auzins 11/22/2004
Harris's Sparrow Tom Wurster & Liga Auzins 11/22/2004
White-headed Woodpecker Kathy Duvall 11/21/2004
Re: White-headed Woodpecker Andy Zdon 11/22/2004
Bohemian Waxwing; Paradise DHouse 11/20/2004 (PHOTOS)
Re: Bohemian Waxwing; Paradise Jim Parker 11/20/2004
Re: Bohemian Waxwing; Paradise - More info DHouse 11/20/2004
Black Rosy-Finch at Aspendell Susan Steele & Jon Dunn fide Heindel 11/18/2004
Orange-crowned Warbler at tiny hummer feeder D.Parker 11/16/2004
Harris's Sparrows in Round Valley and Bishop Chris and Rosie Howard 11/15/2004 (PHOTO)
Western Bluebirds; Round Valley DHouse 11/13/2004
Worm-eating and Bay-breasted Warbler still present-Day 4 D.Parker 11/12/2004 (PHOTO)
Re: Worm-eating, Bay-breasted Warbler plus Brown Creeper DHouse 11/13/2004
Rough-legged Hawk west of Meadowcreek this morning Parkers 11/11/2004
Wormy & Bay continue at Millpond Tom & Jo Heindel 11/10/2004
Bay-breasted Warbler at Mill Pond today too ! Jim & Debby Parker & Bill Mitchel 11/09/2004
Re: Bay-breasted Warbler at Mill Pond today too ! Tom & Jo Heindel 11/10/2004
Rough-legged Hawk, Big Pine J. Zatorksi 11/09/2004
Worm-eating Warbler at Millpond Claus Englehardt (fide C Howard) 11/09/2004 (PHOTOS)
Re: Worm-eating Warbler at Millpond Tom and Jo Heindel 11/10/2004
Harris's Sparrow at Mill Pond today Jim & Debby Parker 11/07/2004
Re: Harris's Sparrow better directions Parkers 11/08/2004
Surf Scoter at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 11/07/2004
Bewick's Swan near Mono Dump Tom Wurster fide Jo Heindel 11/07/2004
Varied Thrush in Starlite Steve Holland 11/07/2004
Mountain Plover, Thayer's Gull and Lapland Longspur at Crowley Lake Jon Dunn and Kristie Nelson 11/05/2004
Warbling Vireo today at Pleasant Valley Campground D.Parker 11/05/2004
Palm Warbler, Common Merganser and Slate-colored Junco at Farmer's Pond D.Parker and B. Mitchel 11/03/2004
Thayer's Gull at Crowley Lake Jon Dunn 11/03/2004
Bald Eagle east of Bishop J. Zatorski 11/03/2004
Kingbird species Andrew Kirk 11/02/2004
Re: Kingbird species Chris Howard 11/03/2004 (PHOTOS)
Hooded Merganser at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 11/01/2004
Death Valley birds Chris and Rosie Howard 11/01/2004
Williamson's Sapsucker etc Susan Steele 10/31/2004
Cassins Finch, Alabama Hills thistle feeder Prather 10/31/2004
Palm Warbler Jean Blanc Rd today Jim Parker 10/30/2004
visiting birders for Thanksgiving weekend need help with finding winter birds Thomas Miko from Claremont fide Debby Parker 10/30/2004
Tundra Swans at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 10/29/2004
Vermilion Flycatcher E. of Bishop Sewer Ponds today Jim and Deb Parker 10/28/2004
Re: Scope would be helpful to see flycatcher well. D.Parker 10/28/2004
Aleutian Geese 19 with 9 Cattle Egret E.Line St., just N. of Sewer Ponds in field, Merlin at Tinemaha and Mountain Bluebirds off of Dixon Lane Deb Parker, Jon Dunn & Andy Zdon 10/27/2004
Osprey Wickman 10/25/2004
Re: Osprey Andy Zdon 10/26/2004
Grasshopper Sparrow Wickman for Hudson 10/25/2004
Varied Thrush today at Jean Blanc Rd N. of Laws Parkers 10/24/2004 (PHOTO)
Clay-colored Sparrow and Black-throated Green in Birchim today Jim and Deb Parker 10/23/2004
Re: Clay-colored Sparrow and Black-throated Green in Birchim today Andy Zdon 10/26/2004
Pine Siskins, thistle feeder, Prather home in Lone Pine Mike Prather 10/22/2004
6 Eurasian Collared Doves, Lone Pine Interagency Visitor Center Mike Prather 10/22/2004
Bay-breasted Warbler & Black-throated Green Warbler in Birchim today Jim and Debby Parker, Chris Howard & Jon Dunn 10/20/2004
Chestnut-collared Longspur, Sabine's (1Juvenile) & Herring Gulls (2 Juveniles), Horned Grebe, Common Loons and more at Crowley Lake last Sunday, Oct. 17, 2004. Jon Dunn & Jim and Debby Parker 10/20/2004
Pectoral Sandpiper @ Bishop Sewer Ponds J. Zatorski 10/17/2004
Crystal Spring Black-throated Blue Warbler John Green, Steve and Vesta Myers, Bill Deppe 10/16/2004
Gray Catbird in Independence Wickman for Hudson 10/16/2004
Another Titmouse in Bishop Chris Howard 10/12/2004
Bald Eagle at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 10/11/2004
Sabine's Gull at Mono Lake Susan Steele 10/10/2004
Chestnut-sided Warbler and Pink-sided Junco / Bishop City Park Chris Howard 10/08/2004
Re: Chestnut-sided Warbler and Pink-sided Junco / Bishop City Park Andy Zdon 10/11/2004
Chalfant Chickadees Andy Zdon 10/08/2004
Re: Chalfant Chickadees J. Zatorski 10/12/2004
Re: Chalfant Chickadees Andy Zdon 10/10/2004
Re: Chalfant Chickadees Todd Vogel 10/08/2004
Re: Chalfant Chickadees D.Parker 10/08/2004
Re: Chalfant Chickadees Todd Vogel 10/09/2004
Death Valley birds 30 Sep to 2 Oct Jim Pike fide Heindel 10/07/2004
Re: Death Valley birds 30 Sep to 2 Oct 10/22/2004
White-winged Dove Wickman 10/07/2004
Merlin in Bishop Chris and Rosie Howard 10/07/2004
Calliope (?) Hummer at our feeders Debby Parker 10/05/2004
Re: Calliope (?) Hummer at our feeders Parkers 10/06/2004
Juniper Titmouse in my backyard (Bishop) J. Zatorksi 10/04/2004 (PHOTO)
Lawrence's Goldfinch in Lee Vining Chris McCreedy 10/04/2004
Dickcissel in Bishop Chris Allen 10/04/2004
LeConte's Thrasher near Lone Pine Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson 10/03/2004
Black-headed Grosbeak and other birds, White Mountain Estates, Chalfant Valley Andy Zdon 10/03/2004
Common Tern on Rush Creek Delta Chris McCreedy 10/03/2004
Death Valley National Park field trip 12 people 10/03/2004
Sabine's Gull at Owens Lake Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson 10/03/2004
White-tailed Kite SE of Big Pine J. Zatorski 10/01/2004
Re: White-tailed Kite SE of Big Pine J. Zatorski 10/01/2004
Re: White-tailed Kite SE of Big Pine DHouse 10/01/2004
Cassin's Finches at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 10/01/2004
Sabine's Gull (3), Greater White-fronted Goose (23) and Bald Eagle, Crowley Reservoir DHouse 09/30/2004
Red-breasted Nuthatch - Paradise; Pine Siskins lots of places DHouse 09/29/2004
Re: Red-breasted Nuthatch - Paradise; Pine Siskins lots of places Chris McCreedy 10/01/2004
Chestnut-sided Warbler at Mill Creek delta, and Mew Gulls Chris McCreedy 09/29/2004
geese & hawks first of fall Tom Heindel 09/29/2004
Red-shouldered Hawk - Lee Vining Sacha Heath 09/29/2004
Northern Harrier at 14,500' over Mt. Whitney Todd Vogel 09/29/2004
White-headed Woodpecker at Greengate Cots today Debby Parker and friends 09/28/2004
Magnolia Warbler at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 09/27/2004
Pine Siskins in our yard & Golden-crowned Sparrow behind our fence Debby Parker 09/27/2004
Re: Pine Siskins in our yard & Golden-crowned Sparrow behind our ... Andy Zdon 09/28/2004
Black-backed Woodpecker, Mammoth Andrew Kirk 09/27/2004
16 shorebird species at Owen's Lake Susan Steele 09/26/2004
Lark Bunting near Big Pine Tom Heindel 09/25/2004
Lee Vining Creek birds Chris McCreedy 09/25/2004
Male poorwill Connie Spenger 09/24/2004
Summer Tanager still at Parker Creek Sacha Heath 09/24/2004
peregrine falcon; Big Alkali Lake (Benton Crossing Road, west of dump) Jeff Maurer 09/20/2004
Golden-crowned Sparrow at Rush Creek Chris McCreedy 09/20/2004
Northern Waterthrush at Greengate this morning D.Parker 09/20/2004
Hermit & Townsend's Warblers at Plant 4 today D.& J. Parker 09/19/2004
Lark Bunting at Deep Springs College J Zatorski, K Wilson, Howards 09/18/2004 (PHOTOS)
Long-billed Curlew at Collins Rd J. Zatorski 09/17/2004
Re: Long-billed Curlew at Collins Rd Connie Spenger 09/19/2004
Chat in Bishop Chris and Rosie Howard 09/17/2004
Summer Tanager in Mono Sacha Heath 09/15/2004
Owens Lake report Chris Howard 09/13/2004 (PHOTOS)
Northern Parula at N Haiwee Susan and Bob Steele 09/12/2004 (PHOTOS)
American Redstart in Bishop Chris and Rosie Howard 09/11/2004
Another Williamson's Sapsucker in Greengate Cots today Parkers 09/11/2004
Ruff (Reeve, actually) at brideport and more Kristie Nelson 09/10/2004
Williamson's Sapsucker in Bishop Chris Howard 09/10/2004
Black-backed Woodpecker along North Dome Trail in Yosemite Andy Zdon 09/09/2004
Lewis’ Woodpecker, Red breasted Sapsucker, Olive-sided Flycatcher at Pine Glade Tract off Gorge Rd. Allan Der 09/08/2004
Williamsons Sapsucker at same location Allan Der 09/08/2004
some good birds still in highcountry J. Zatorski 09/07/2004
Re: some good birds still in highcountry J. Zatorski 09/07/2004
Pectoral Sandpiper at Cottonwood Marsh Susan Steele Mike Prather 09/06/2004
2 races of White-crowned Sparrow in our yard today D.Parker 09/06/2004
White-winged Dove at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 09/02/2004
Re: White-winged Dove at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 09/02/2004
Re: White-winged Dove at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 09/03/2004
Northern Parula today on Pine Creek Trail D.Parker 08/31/2004
Re: Northern Parula today on Pine Creek Trail D.Parker 09/01/2004
Little Gull photos Debbie House (fide Chris Howard) 08/31/2004
Eastern Kingbird at Blackrock Chris Howard 08/30/2004
Stilt Sandpiper at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 08/30/2004
30 Black Terns at Nik-n-Nik Andy Zdon 08/29/2004
Re: 30 Black Terns at Nik-n-Nik Andy Zdon 08/30/2004
no gull but 2 jaegers Kristie Nelson 08/28/2004
Long-tailed Jaeger at Crowley Lk yesterday too Parkers 08/28/2004
LITTLE GULL and Red Phalarope at Crowley Reservoir Jon Dunn (fide Chris Howard) 08/27/2004 (PHOTOS)
Fall Mono Lake Shorebird Census Summary River Gates 08/27/2004
Lewis' Woodpecker and Yellow-breasted Chat on Rush Creek Chris McCreedy 08/27/2004
Cassin's Finch at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 08/27/2004
Solitary Sandpipers, County Pond and Mono Lake Chris Rintoul 08/25/2004
Gray Flycatcher in Birchim yesterday & Mac in our yard today Parkers 08/23/2004
Semipalmated Sandpiper at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 08/21/2004
Cedar Waxwing in Bishop Chris Howard 08/21/2004
Lark Bunting and Crowley migrants, FOTE chicks! Kristie Nelson 08/20/2004
White Mtn. Estates Feeder Birds! Andy Zdon 08/19/2004
Pectoral Sandpipers at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 08/17/2004
Recovered kinglet PRBO 08/17/2004
Spotted Sandpiper and R/S Hawk, Deep Springs Andrew Kirk 08/16/2004
5 hummer species at our feeders in Bishop Chris and Rosie Howard 08/15/2004
Arctic Terns at Crowley ESAS Field Trip (fide Chris and Rosie Howard 08/15/2004
Virginia Warbler, Owens Valley DHouse 08/11/2004
Dispersing birds Chris McCreedy, PRBO 08/10/2004
Re: Dispersing birds Chris McCreedy 08/10/2004
Allen's Hummingbird in wildflower walk/Agnew meadows 07/29/04 Rodger Dierker 08/09/2004
Western Tanager near Dixon Lane today D.Parker 08/09/2004
Cindy Kamler needs location of area of Western Kingbird activity so she can release her rehabbed Kingbird fledgling. fide Debby Parker 08/09/2004
Ruddy Turnstone, Owens Lake-Dirty Socks Habitat Shallow Flood Zone(not open to general public-call Mike or Susan steele for access) Mike Prather 08/06/2004 (PHOTO)
Rufous hummingbirds in Owens Valley J. Zatorski 08/06/2004
Band-tailed Pigeon and migrants Susan Steele 07/31/2004
Long-tailed Duck and Solitary Sandpiper at Crowley Lake Alan Wight 07/29/2004
Nashville Warbler yesterday Hilton Lakes trail Rock Creek Canyon Jim & Debby Parker 07/26/2004
Sora at Dechambeau and others Matt Brady 07/26/2004
Semipalm Plover at Crowley and other birds Don Lewis 07/25/2004
Eastern Kingbird seen again this morning D.Parker 07/23/2004 (PHOTO)
Eastern Kingbird today Jean-Blanc Rd N. of Laws Jim and Debby Parker 07/21/2004
Le Conte's Thrashers J. Zatorski 07/21/2004
The planets align on Rush Creek Chris McCreedy 07/18/2004
Chestnut-sided Warbler Continues Matt Brady 07/22/2004
Black-headed Grosbeak at White Mtn Estates Andy Zdon 07/15/2004
McCown's Longspur in Fish Lake Valley Justin Hite and River Gates 07/14/2004
Re: McCown's Longspur in Fish Lake Valley Kristie Nelson 08/07/2004
Re: McCown's Longspur in Fish Lake Valley River Gates 07/26/2004
Re: McCown's Longspur in Fish Lake Valley Connie Spenger 07/19/2004
Re: McCown's Longspur in Fish Lake Valley Justin Hite 07/14/2004
Short-billed Dowitchers at Crowley Lake Matt Brady 07/12/2004
Solitary Sandpiper at Klondike Lake Tom Heindel 07/12/2004
Adult Bald Eagles at Convict Lake Sunday July 11, 2004 Jim & Debby Parker 07/12/2004
Red-eyed Vireo & Indigo Bunting near Big Pine Steve Glover fide Tom Heindel 07/11/2004
Hummers in Black Canyon J. Zatorski 07/10/2004
Brown Pelican is dead Susan Steele fide Tom & Jo Heindel 07/10/2004
Winter Wren on Pine Creek Trail July 5, 2004 Jim and Debby Parker 07/10/2004
Northern Saw-whet Owl on Rush Chris McCreedy 07/09/2004
Brown Pelican and 3 First of Fall birds Tom & Jo Heindel 07/08/2004
Vermillion Flycatcher, Cassin's Kingbirds at Oasis Matt Brady 07/07/2004
Black Terns at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 07/07/2004
Brown Pelican at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom & Jo Heindel 07/07/2004 (PHOTOS)
Re: Brown Pelican at Tinemaha Reservoir (additional info) Steve Holland 07/08/2004
Re: Brown Pelican at Tinemaha Reservoir Steve Holland 07/08/2004
Brown Pelican still at Tinemaha Reservoir (1PM) Chris and Rosie Howard 07/07/2004
Allen's Hummingbird banded on Lee Vining Creek. River Gates and Heidi Black PRBO 07/06/2004
Black-throated Gray Warbler on Rush Chris McCreedy 07/06/2004
Nashville Warbler on Rush Chris McCreedy 07/05/2004
Another Common Loon Matt Brady 07/03/2004
Magnolia Warbler at Rush Creek River Gates and Heidi Black, PRBO 07/02/2004
Re: Magnolia Warbler at Rush Creek River Gates 07/02/2004
Re: Magnolia Warbler at Rush Creek Chris McCreedy and George and Nancy Appel 07/04/2004
First of Fall near Big Pine Tom Heindel 07/02/2004
Re: First of Fall near Big Pine J. Zatorski 07/02/2004
Southbound shorebirds - Mono Lake DHouse 06/30/2004
Swan Sp., Red-sholdered Hawk, Hummers Matt Brady 06/29/2004
Long-eared Owls, White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 06/29/2004
Red-eyed Vireo on Rush Chris McCreedy 06/27/2004
Tom's Place Hummingbirds Chris Howard 06/26/2004
Re: Tom's Place Hummingbirds Bartshe 06/29/2004
Common Loons, Bank Swallow at Crowley Lake, etc. Matt Brady 06/24/2004
Blackburnian Warbler and Veery at Rush Creek River Gates, Heidi Black and Leslie Slavin, PRBO 06/23/2004 (PHOTOS)
Great Egrets at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 06/23/2004
Bald Eagle at Tioga Lake June 20 Kris Olson 06/22/2004
Cedar Waxwings still in Bishop Chris and Rosie Howard 06/20/2004
Blackburnian and VEERY, Rush Cr. PRBO banding 06/20/2004
Least Bittern at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 06/18/2004
Adult and immature Bald Eagle at Convict Lake Andy Zdon (reporting for Rob Traylor) 06/18/2004
Phainopepla on Lee Vining Creek Leah Culp and Chris Tonra 06/17/2004
Indigo Bunting near Laws Chris Howard 06/17/2004 (PHOTOS)
White-winged Dove @ Hogback Ck. J. Zatorski 06/16/2004
POSSIBLE Red-eyed Vireo at French Camp (Rock Creek) Steve Scott 06/15/2004
black tern, North Haiwee lake fishing access Ken Watanabe 06/15/2004
American Goldfinch in Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 06/13/2004
Black-throated Green and EK at FCR 6/9 Kristie Nelson 06/10/2004
Clay-colored Sparrow River Gates 06/10/2004
Breeding birds at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 06/09/2004
Nesting waterfowl and shorebirds in cattle grazing area at Tule Lake(Sonora Bridge CG) Tony Brake & Yvonne McHugh 06/09/2004
Band-tailed Pigeon, Swall Meadows Lynn & Steve Peterson, Dan Bacon 06/08/2004 (PHOTO)
Yellow-throated Vireo, County Park at Mono Lake Debbie House 06/08/2004
Willow Flycatchers singing & Short-Eared Owl at Restoration project area, where McGee Creek flows into Crowley Lake D.Parker & D. Walter 06/07/2004
Re: Willow Flycatchers singing & Long-Eared Owl at Restoration p... Debby Parker and D Walter 06/11/2004
Parula still present at Birchim today, other warblers at Paradise Lodge D.Parker & D. Walter 06 Jun 2004
Northern Waterthrush, MacGillivray's Warbler along S.Fk. Bishop Creek Andy Zdon 06 Jun 2004
Northern Parula, Paradise DHouse 06 Jun 2004
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Paradise DHouse 05 Jun 2004
Northern Parula at Birchim Canyon Andy Zdon 05 Jun 2004
Bell's Vireo at Wildrose Canyon Tom & Jo Heindel 06/04/04
Rose-breasted Grosbeak on Cottonwood Creek Chris McCreedy 06/04/04
Common loon, Pleasant Valley Reservoir Larry Nahm 06/04/04
Prothonotory and parula Kristie Nelson 06/04/04
grouse scott king 06/04/04
Gray Catbird at Scotty's Castle Bob Brandriff 06/04/04
Late report of Yellow-throated Warbler @ FCR Matt Brady 06/04/04
Bobolink, too, at FCR Chris and Rosie Howard 06/04/04 (PHOTO)
Blue-wg. warbler at FCR, hot stuff in Nevada Kristie Nelson 06/04/04
Red-necked Grebe at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 06/04/04
Rose-breasted grosbeak Larry Nahm 06/04/04
Black Tern, Little Hilton Bay, Crowley Lake Ken Watanabe 05/28/04
Long-billed Curlew near Laws J. Zatorski 05/28/04
Brown-headed Cowbirds Chris Tonra 05/26/04
Great-tailed Grackle in Mono City Chris Tonra 05/26/04
Hooded Warbler on Rush Creek Chris Tonra 05/26/04
Eurasian Collared Doves at Oasis Jim Holmes 05/25/04
Re: Eurasian Collared Doves at Oasis D.Parker 05/26/04
Deep Springs Colleg question Jim Holmes 05/25/04
Re: Deep Springs College question Tom & Jo Heindel 05/27/04
May 23 & 24 sightings (Hooded & Black-throated Green Warblers) Jim Holmes 05/25/04
Brown-crested Flycatcher @ Darwin Falls J. Zatorski 05/24/04
Phainopeplas and Lesser Scaups Tom & Jo Heindel 05/24/04
Black Swift, Indigo Buntings & Rufous Hummer Tom, Jo, & Kelli (Levinson) Heindel 05/24/04
Rose-breasted Grosbeak and American Redstart Jim & Debby Parker, Kelli Levinson, T&J Heindel 05/24/04
Summer Tanager in Birchim & singing Winter Wren Pine Creek Trail on Sunday Parkers 05/24/04
Rose Breasted Grosbeak(2)/Swall Meadows Steve Peterson 05/24/04 (PHOTO)
Baltimore Oriole, Paradise DHouse 05/24/04
American Redstart in Bishop Chris and Rosie Howard 05/24/04
Northern Pygmy Owl James Barr 05/21/04
Willow Flycatchers Chris McCreedy 05/21/04
Common Nighthawk in Bishop J. Zatorski 05/20/04
Black-headed Grosbeaks Kathy Duvall 05/19/04
Ovenbird in North Fork Big Pine Canyon Chris and Rosie Howard 05/16/04
Black & White Warbler at Greengate 4:30 PM today Parkers 05/13/04
Blue Grosbeak, Lewis Woodpeckers at Greengates area (and a warning!!) Andy Zdon 05/12/04
Re: Blue Grosbeak, Lewis Woodpeckers at Greengates area (and a wa... d.Parker 05/13/04
Re: Blue Grosbeak, Lewis Woodpeckers at Greengates area (and ... Andy Zdon 05/13/04
Summer Tanager and Osprey near Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 05/12/04
Re: Osprey in Birchim on Tues. also D.Parker 05/13/04
Black Tern, Whimbrel, etc- Middle Owens Valley DHouse 05/12/04
Lawrence's Goldfinch in Lee Vining River Gates 05/12/04
Hooded Warbler at Glacier Lodge Jo Heindel 05/10/04
Bendire's Thrasher Bob Maurer 05/09/04
Lewis's Woodpecker, Round Valley DHouse 05/09/04
Crested Caracara at Cottonwood Marsh Bob Mauer, Jr. fide Heindel 05/09/04
Re: Crested Caracara at Cottonwood Marsh Todd Vogel 05/09/04
Re: "fide" Jo Heindel 05/10/04
Olive-sided Flycatcher yesterday and Western Wood Pewee today west of Meadowcreek & in Greengate Cots Parkers 05/07/04
Lewis's Woodpecker at Baker Meadow Tom & Jo Heindel 05/06/04
Wilson's warbler Connie Spenger 05/06/04
Western Tanager, Brown Creepers at Glacier Lodge Bill Mitchel 05/05/04
Pine Siskin at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 05/04/04
Heermann's Gull!, and Franklin's at Crowley Kristie Nelson 05/04/04
MacGillivray's Warbler west of Meadowcreek Today D.Parker & the Tues. Group 05/04/04
black- crowned night -heron scott king 05/04/04
Dunlin and Ibis Bishop Sewer Pond James and Kay Wilson 05/03/04
Blue Grosbeak at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 05/03/04
Solitary Sandpiper Mike Tyner/Eric McEachern 05/02/04
Palm Warbler & Blue Grosbeaks west of Meadowcreek today Parkers 04/30/04
Gray-crowned Rosy Finch,Barcroft station 12,470 ft,White Mtns Dori Cann 4/30/04 04/30/04
Western Tanager & Lazuli Buting @ Little Blackrock Spring J. Zatorski 04/28/04
Nashville Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat & Dusky Flycatcher in Birchim today. D.Parker & Tues birding group 04/27/04
Common Poorwill near Towne Pass, Death Valley Junction birds Andy Zdon 04/27/04
Franklin's Gulls at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 04/26/04
Acorn Woodpecker E. Bishop J. Zatorski 04/26/04
Re: Acorn Woodpecker E. Bishop Debby Parker 04/26/04
vermillion flycatcher Bishop sewer ponds Paul McFarland, Todd Vogel 04/26/04
Lark Sparrows at Mill Pond yesterday Parkers 04/26/04
Re: Lark Sparrows at Mill Pond yesterday Todd Vogel and James Wilson 04/26/04
Ibis, semi palm plover at bishop sewer ponds Todd Vogel and James Wilson 04/26/04
Hooded Warber at Millers Rest Stop Andy Zdon 04/25/04
Common Moorhen & Ash-throated Flycatcher east of Bishop J. Zatorksi 04/25/04
Cassin's Finch, Blue Grouse and others at Bishop Bowl Bill Mitchel 04/22/04
Re: Cassin's Finch, Blue Grouse and others at Bishop Bowl Steve Sosensky 04/25/04
Imm. Bald Eagle or Golden Eagle Phil McGrath 04/22/04
Bullock's Oriole, Solitary Sandpiper, Virginia Rail and a Mink at Owens River Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson 04/21/04
Townsend's Warbler & Cassin's Vireo today in Birchim. Green Heron & Solitary Sandpiper west of Meadowcreek today too. D.Parker & Tues. birding Group 04/20/04
Phainopepla Jack and Marilyn Ferrell 04/20/04
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Gray (Willow?) Flycatcher near Lone Pine Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson, & Scot Ferguson 04/20/04
Re: Ash-throated Flycatcher, Gray (Willow?) Flycatcher near Lone ... Tom & Jo Heindel 04/20/04
Willow Flycatchers and Inyo County Chronology Troy Kelly 04/22/04
Re: Willow Flycatchers and Inyo County Chronology Tom & Jo Heindel 04/22/04
female Black-Headed Grosbeak today Side-Hill Spring D.Parker 04/19/04
Eurasian Collared-Dove and Ringed Turtle-Dove in Bishop Rosie and Chris Howard 04/19/04 (PHOTOS)
Spotted Sandpipers and Hooded Merg at Millpond James and Kay Wilson 04/18/04
Yellow Warbler & 4 wader species in Birchim today Parkers 04/18/04
Western Kingbird, Grey Flycatcher and White Throated-Swifts in Bishop Bill Mitchel 04/18/04
Hermit Thrush & Gray-crowned Rosy Finches in Bishop Creek, Green-tailed Towhee at Chidago Canyon Road Andy Zdon 04/17/04
Western Tanager at Baker Tom & Jo Heindel 04/17/04
various DVNP Cottonwood Springs James and Kay Wilson 04/16/04
Re: various DVNP Cottonwood Springs James Wilson 04/23/04
Semipalmated Plovers on Owens Lake, Wood Duck at Owens River Cheyenne Laczek-Johnson 04/16/04
Forster's Tern, Red-Necked Phalarope, Willet & Semipalmated Plovers at Bishop Sewer Ponds today Parkers 04/15/04
Greater White Fronted Goose-Lee Vining Park walk, Mono Lake Jack & Pat Crowther 04/14/04
Western Kingbird & Cassin's Finches at City Park & American Bittern at Sewer Ponds, Bishop, today D.Parker, & B. Mitchell, L. Nahm, K.Duvall & J. Williams 04/13/04
Solitary sandpiper at Diaz Lake David Pereksta and Sandy Walk 04/12/04
Crowley Lake Surf Scoter & Franklin's Gulls Tom Wurster & Liga Auzins 04/12/04
White Mountain Estates Cassin's Finch update Andy Zdon 04/12/04
Birchim Birds - Golden Eagles along Owens River Andy Zdon & Nancy Bower 04/12/04
Bank Swallow a single one at Bishop Sewer ponds yesterday too . Parkers 04/12/04
Re: Bank Swallow a single one at Bishop Sewer ponds yesterday too . Eric Beck 04/12/04
Lesser Yellowlegs, Dunlin, Blue-winged Teal & Bonaparte's Gull at Bishop Sewer Ponds & Ferruginous Hawk on Sunland today Parkers 04/11/04
Re: Lesser Yellowlegs, Dunlin, Blue-winged Teal & Bonaparte's Gul... Todd Vogel 04/11/04
White faced Ibis, Bishop SP Todd Vogel 04/09/04
Say's Phoebes and Swainson's Hawk; Phoebe at Keoughs, Swainsons across from landfill cindy kamler 04/08/04
Hooded Oriole and Black-chinned Hummer at Keough's cindy kamler 04/08/04
Lesser Nighthawk in Bishop Chris Howard 04/07/04
More on the Purple Finch at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 04/06/04
Gray Flycatcher at Greengate Cots today D. Parker & B. Mitchell 04/06/04
Re: Gray Flycatcher at Greengate Cots today Todd V, James W. 04/08/04
Ross's Goose Furnace Creek DVNP Kay and James Wilson 04/06/04
4/3&4?04 Mary Freeman 04/05/04
Purple Finch at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 04/05/04
Swainson's Hawk & Common Yellowthroat East of Bishop J. Zatorski 04/04/04
Malpais Mesa and Tinemaha Birds Andy Zdon 04/03/04
Re: Malpais Mesa and Tinemaha Birds Andy Zdon 04/04/04
Black-throated Gray Warblers in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 04/03/04
White Faced Ibis Bishop Sewer Pond Todd Vogel, John and Diana Drumm 04/03/04
Warbling Vireo & White-throated Swifts today at Birchim & Pleasant Valley Reservoir J & D Parker 04/03/04
Bullock's & Hooded Orioles @ Bishop City Park J. Zatorski 04/02/04
Western Kingbird in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 04/02/04
Bonaparte's(BOGU) and Franklin's (FRGU) Gull, Owens Lake Mike Prather 04/01/04
4889 Am. Avocets, 27 Snowy Plovers, 1483 Least Sandpipers, 60 Dunlin, 2411 "peeps-2:1 LESA/WESA) in two undulating flocks. Owens Lake Mike Prather 03/31/04
House wren, S. of Dixon Lane, along a canal C. Gann 03/31/04
Death Valley Birds Susan Steele fide Heindel 03/31/04
Western Kingbird at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 03/31/04
Whimbrel, Owens Lake Mike Prather 03/31/04
Gray-crowned Rosy Finches, Mono Basin D House 03/31/04
House Wren in field behind our house & Hooded Oriole, which was a bright male, in our yard. D.Parker 03/31/04
Plumbeous Vireo, Independence Andrew Kirk 03/30/04
Caspian Terns, Black-necked Stilts, Common Loons & American Avocets at Crowley Lake Reservoir J & D Parker 03/30/04
Hooded Oriole and Phainopepla in Big Pine Tom & Jo Heindel 03/30/04
"Funny Ducks and Geese" dilemma T.D. Kelly 03/29/04
Re: "Funny Ducks and Geese" dilemma Connie Spenger 03/30/04
Osprey and fish at Tinemaha Todd Vogel and James Wilson 03/26/04
Rufous Hummingbird at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 03/24/04
R-b Mergansers are back Tom Heindel 03/24/04
Hooded Oriole, Lone Pine (Prather backyard) Mike Prather 03/23/04
Plover & swallow have arrived Tom Heindel 03/22/04
Blue Grouse & Winter Wren up Pine Creek today J & D Parker 03/20/04
Costa's Hummingbird; Paradise DHouse 03/20/04
Earliest ever larids for Inyo Tom Heindel 03/19/04
Black-throated Sparrows & Common Goldeneyes Laws area D.Parker 03/19/04
44 Greater Yellowlegs-Sulfate Rd. (Owens Lake) Feb. 29, 2004 Mike Prather 03/19/04
Eurasean Collared Dove - Alabama Hills Mike Prather 03/19/04
Steller's Jay on canal south of east line bridge Jon Vento 03/18/04
Re: Steller's Jay on canal south of east line bridge Jon Vento 03/19/04
Re: Steller's Jay on canal south of east line bridge Tom & Jo Heindel 03/20/04
Black-throated sparrow Larry Nahm 03/17/04
Northern Harrier 1, Cinnamon Teal 0 Tom Heindel 03/15/04
Re: Northern Harrier 1, Cinnamon Teal 0 Tom Heindel 03/16/04
Rufous Hummer in Bishop Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 03/15/04
Yellow headed BB - Bishop Sewer Ponds Todd Vogel 03/14/04
Blue-winged Teal and hybrid at Bishop Sewer Ponds Chris Howard 03/12/04 (PHOTOS)
Western Grebe at Tinemaha Tom Heindel 03/12/04
Snowy Egret-Bishop Park Pond Jack & Pat Crowther 03/09/04 (PHOTOS)
Cassin's Finch & Clark's Grebe Tom & Jo Heindel 03/08/04
Ross/Snow Goose-Bishop Park Jack & Pat Crowther 03/04/04 (PHOTOS)
First of Spring Sage Sparrow in the Mono Basin River Gates 03/02/04
Wood ducks in trees, Least Sandpipers & Brown Creeper around Bishop Debby P., Claus E., Bill Mitchel 03/02/04
American Avocets Tom Heindel 02/26/04
swallows at Tinemaha Reservoir Tom Heindel 02/24/04
FOS Say's Phoebe for the Mono Basin River Gates 02/23/04
Long-billed Dowitchers, Greater Yellowlegs and Balk Eagle at Farmers Pond, Tree Swallows over the Owens River Parkers & Andy Zdon 02/22/04
Rough-legged Hawk in Bridgeport Valley River Gates, Jeff Maurer and Yvette Garcia 02/21/04
Bald Eagle, Snowy Egret, Eurasian Collared Doves, Bishop Rosie and Chris Howard 02/19/04 (PHOTOS)
Re: Bald Eagle, Snowy Egret, Eurasian Collared Doves, Bishop todd vogel 02/21/04
Re: Bald Eagle, Snowy Egret, Eurasian Collared Doves, Bishop Andy Zdon 02/20/04
Re: Bald Eagle, Snowy Egret, Eurasian Collared Doves, Bishop Rosie and Chris Howard 02/21/04
cormorant, swallow, etc. in Big Pine area Tom Heindel 02/18/04
Northern Shrike, Harris' Sparrow, Bald Eagles Lori & Mark Conrad 02/16/04
Yellow variant house finches at Starlite Rick Scott 02/16/04
Bald Eagle yesterday Warm Springs road Parkers 02/15/04
Rough-legged Hawk in rehab and scaup at Bishop Park Chris Howard and Rosie Beach 02/11/04 (PHOTOS)
juv. Golden Eagle at Klondike Lake Derrick Vocelka 02/10/04
Snowy Egret in Bishop Park! Andy Zdon, Chris Howard 02/10/04
Re: Snowy Egret in Bishop Park! Andy Zdon 02/10/04
50 was the magic number Tom & Jo Heindel plus dozens more 02/07/04
Snowy Egret on Bishop Creek Canal Andy Zdon 02/06/04
Cedar Waxwng at White Mountain Estates Andy Zdon 02/05/04
Harris's Sparrow in Birchim today Parkers 01/31/04
Partial albino (?) Brewer's Blackbird at K-Mart Andy Zdon 01/30/04
Re: Partial albino (?) Brewer's Blackbird at K-Mart Andrew Kirk 01/31/04
Re: Partial albino (?) Brewer's Blackbird at K-Mart Jo Heindel 01/31/04
Hybrid Woodpecker from Tinemaha Reservoir Jon Dunn & Tom Heindel 01/30/04
Turkey Vulture over Bishop C. Howard & J. Zatorski 01/28/04
American White Pelicans arrive in Inyo Tom Heindel & James Wilson 01/27/04
Hawk Field Trip Report Chris Howard 01/26/04

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